Embroidered Mouth Creature

A small action will change everything because something that is considered trivial is the most important thing.


Watch your mouth


(20 Hours Prior)


Hutt exercise today drains a lot of energy. I ran over to Awan who had been looking busy sitting watching the students playing volleyball

"What is it?"

He asked me while I sat next to him.

"It's okay, I'm just happy to see you. Enjoy watching students play volleyball"

Now that I'm talking telepathically with him, that's how it should be. Because if I don't, I'm thought to be a crazy person behind my friends.

I don't think so, but they already think so.

"After this do you want to go straight home?"

Awan broke my daydream.

"Ahh, hmm later. Why?"

"It does not matter"

He answered curtly then turned his gaze back to the students playing volleyball.

I cursed in my heart. Luckily he can't read my heart, that's good.

I left him without saying goodbye to him because I was thirsty and needed something to quench my thirst.

I went to the canteen to order watermelon juice, yes you should know that one of my favorite juices is watermelon juice.

I took a seat in the corner of this cafeteria, right next to the window so I could see the situation outside from this window.

In the cafeteria, it's still empty, it's just me and a few kids here. Because most of them are going to school and many are enjoying sports.

I watched out the window for a while, many children were active. Hmmm, I want to join, but I don't have to, it's useless.




I fell out of my chair, all the students glared at me, and again they were talking about me.

How Come suddenly an uninvited creature came right in front of my face.

I got up from my fall and straightened my seat again, and yes he was still looking at me. He just kept quiet.

I pushed back the chair I was sitting on.

She... had long hair that covered her face, all black clothes, a lot of skin was peeling from her hands, so that part of her finger bones was visible.

She's still silent. And I decided to ask her, using the language of the mind.

"Who are you?"

She didn't budge, Dan was still silent.

I tried to ignore it but I wasn't calm and couldn't.

My hands that were on the table were tightly wrapped in her hair.

What exactly was he going to do in broad daylight like this.

"Awan come here"

In an instant, Awan was beside me.

Then he approached the creature in front of me.

"What's Happened with Her?"

I asked that to Awan.

"I think she wants to talk to you"

Awan was silent for a while as they surrounded the creature.

"Hmmm, but she has one request of you."

"What is it, immediately ask him directly"

The children in the cafeteria looked at me strangely, because they saw my strange expression they were also looking at.

Then slowly the creature lifted its head and looked at me.


Her mouth was sewn by a black thread.

She cries seeing me.

"H, she asked you to remove the stitches in her mouth"

"What. Why I don't want to!"

Then the creature lowered its head again and I had no idea what it was doing.

She's silent now.

still silent

Shut Up


"Ahhhhhhh, who's that?"

I was surprised because one of the students screamed and pointed at me.

Not rather towards the creature in front of me.

Then the creature turned its head until it turned to the screaming child.

"Ahhhhh, she's there, her head,... her mouth is stitched up"


He fainted, many students flocked towards him.

"Hey, stop that. You can hurt him the way you show yourself to him!"

Then the mouthless creature turned back to me.

"She wants to say something H, but you have to remove the stitches first"

Huff why should I. Hmmm

"Okay, okay enough. I'll do what you want"

I drew closer to him, looking very closely at her face.

Ewwww, so disgusting.

I removed one by one, the threads tied to her lips.

When I removed the stitches I was thinking, why did she get stitches in her mouth.

Black blood oozed out and dripped from every thread I pulled from her lips.

Ewwww my hands are shaking, and cold.

Awan instead went to see the child who had fainted earlier.

After the thread was all loose, She then moved her lips up and down. Weird

"Thank you"

Oh, She's talking.

I just nodded my head.

I got up and decided to go to the bathroom.


She held my hand tightly.

"Let me go!"

I rebelled at her, and oddly enough she could hold my hand and no electric shock or anything else happened.

"Watch your words"

"your words your tiger"

Then she let go of my hand and disappeared.

What did she just mean?

"Watch your words, your words your tiger"

Without thinking I immediately left the cafeteria.

I also left the Awan there.

why her words filled my mind. Makes me giddy about it.



I fell hard down.

Duh, who else hit me.

"Damn! watch Your way!"

I looked up and really, guess who...

those who talked about yoga this afternoon Hendra & Wenda.

I decided to be quiet and left.

But they held both my hands at the same time.

"Let go!"

I asked them to let me go.

Shortly after, the two of them pushed me back causing me to fall.

"Hey, it's weird. You don't have to be so pretentious here. It's unclear Life and death are the same!"

Hendra said to me in a loud voice.

"Hey, Doggy. Where are your friends, those nerds haha haha. What a weirdo"

He called me by grabbing my hair.

I was just silent at that time, what can I do.

It doesn't stop there. The two of them made my clothes shabby with dirt dust, and

Worst of all, they ripped my shirt buttons.

Oh, God. I can't stand all of this.

"Who the hell, parents who want to give birth to a strange child like you!"

And the last sentence managed to burn my emotions. All my blood rose, and the heat was all over my body.

My whole body shook violently, and one thing that made me boisterous was that my tongue was itching to want to call them back.

I tried to hold it in, but in vain

I don't know why I suddenly said a sentence that came out of my mouth.

"God knows, God is almighty. I make sure you will regret it later, I MAKE SURE YOUR HANDS AND MOUTH CAN REST TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS. Heed my words. YOU WILL REGRET IT. SEE TOMORROW WHAT YOU WILL EXPERIENCE, WATCH ONLY!!! !"

Everything just happened, my tears fell after saying the sentence just now. Strong wind hit the three of us next to the toilet. My body was weak, and my tongue was numb. I leaned my body against the wall in front of the toilet.

After that, they both left me.

Then someone approached me.

"H, are you okay? let me take you home"

Yoga came to me and offered to take me home. Honestly, I'm helpless right now.


This morning I went to school as usual.

Alone through the classroom hallway, it's normal.


"H, hey H. Wait for me!!!"

Ahh, who called me. I looked back, hmmm Yoga, why did he call me with an exclamation mark like that.

"What's the wrong Yog?"

He stopped in front of me, his breath faltering.

"Calm down first Yog"

Once he thought he was feeling better he straightened up again and I thought he was going to say something.

"You know, what you said yesterday happened!!!"

Yesterday??, I tried to remember briefly about what I did yesterday. Hmmm

"What do you mean?"

"That's Hendra & Wenda he's really in the hospital now!"

"What!!!, what do you mean by saying that what I said yesterday is true, and Hendra, Wenda is in the hospital! What's the connection?"

I raised my voice at him because I had no idea what he was trying to tell me.

"Gosh, you don't remember at all???"

"What, Yog. To the point just say it!"

I started to glare at him.

"You don't remember yesterday, what did you keep them from? until finally, they are now actually in the hospital!"

_ _ _ _ _

After Yoga explained in detail about yesterday's incident, I just remembered what had happened.

And Yoga also witnessed firsthand I did it.

Hmmm. Moreover, this is what I did, is it one of the abilities??

Or it just happened by chances

This makes me even more confused.

Should I keep my mouth shut, so as not to say something that is beyond my control?

Hmmm. Let me think again, what exactly is this.


Gosh, is this what the Stitched Lips Creature meant yesterday, which I was able to help. And she said those words.

Oh.. no, don't tell me because I removed the stitches. And making her able to talk, also affects me.

"Watch your words, your words your tiger"


I have to find her, she must not be far from here. I have to find her soon.
