A Painting

Souls that live in a work


Today as usual I tidied my workplace. And I expand, I remove many things. And I collected one in an empty room.

Because my workplace will be made a temporary place for painting. Many paintings.

Because it will be held an exhibition here in this place.

The painting is not just one. But this exhibition is a thousand paintings.

Of the small size to large Sagat.

Of course, that paints not me.

There was a famous painter named Jassnen Jansien he was from Surabaya. And the painting is very global. Because there was a painting he was on display at the Dutch Museum if it wasn't Europe. Hmm, I think so.

We often call him JJ's father.

JJ's paintings banned expressionist, abstract, and others.

And another one, his paintings were mostly in a mystical direction. Sorry but not all, just a few. You can directly search on Google, it's more complete.

After the painting came all the children at busy arranging the painting at my workplace. My workplace is very broad.

The girl's dormitory on the second floor is still not used. So the place is still a lot loose.

Every painting was brought in. I can feel that there are other Eve in several paintings.

Hmmm, don't know just different.

As if the painting lives. Not all, just a few paintings.

What I felt most was very strange was in a painting that was concentrated, there was a woman who was putting a friend under the tree.

So indeed the theme of this exhibition is


So there are so many in the picture. Javanese toys, temples, wells, rice numbers, go to market, five religions, and much more.

But now I'm just focused on just one of these paintings.

Not too big, maybe one and a half meters of a single meter. So more precisely square.

There is a woman, who is putting off under the tree with her incense, I think.

Hmmm, I approached and wanted to feel it, I touched it to feel the shoulder of the paint on the canvas.

"Brother, Ejh!"

Less after that I have touched it. But someone called me.

I turned my body and saw who called me.

"Eh, what's wrong?"

I answered with a smile.

It turned out that Anis called me.

"Ah, nothing, I just think that's you chatting with someone!"

While looking around.

"With someone?"

I asked her with my confused expression.

"Yes, I saw you with someone in front of you and she stood next to the painting"

she paused for a moment.

"Hmmm, maybe I saw wrong. Sorry, brother Ejh, I'll go first."

Still while looking around and then down.

What does she mean?.

I'm with someone here?

I don't see her, but how come Anis looks at her. Is there something happening with me right now?.

I turned around and looked at the painting. Hmmm, I think something is strange.

I decided to go down, to take lunch first.

"Hi brother Ejh"

Joty greets me

"Hi, Joty"

I replied with a smile.

"Hah, are you alone?"

Joty asked while stopping up the stairs to the third floor.

"Why is it?"

"I just went down, see Brother Ejh with someone in front of the painting"

While pointing at the painting, right where I stood earlier.

"Who is her? I didn't make sure who she was. What is clear is that Brother Ejh is just silent and she's still silent too. After going down I go up, and the time you want to go down, but you going alone, so I asked about that to you"

Joty scratched his head while showing a confused expression.

"Hmm, maybe you're wrong to see. I'm alone in here, nothing anyone's accompany me"

Without waiting for the answer from her, I went down to the kitchen for lunch.

Hmmm, I shouldn't agree when they asked if the painting was put in my workplace.

Because I just realized that this was a hostel. And the place that was given was very broad. And this second floor is the floor which is very rarely used.

So it's more clear later.

Hopefully, these are just my feelings.


Tonight I proceed to clean up my workplace. Because it's still messy with many paintings.

"Yes, she said, there were those who moved like that"

"He saw, like a girl dressed in custom"

"Yes, she's just silent to see the painting!"

"Yes, now in her room, yes, she said, followed by his painting!"

I walked through the field while listening to the children's conversation just passing next to me.

What do they're mean, painting?


Without thinking, I immediately ran towards the second floor of the hostel to my workplace.

And after I see, the real paintings have moved the place on the wall.

I don't know who with fad put the painting on the wall.

Among the many paintings, is displayed only one painting.

Namely a woman's painting Under the tree, which brings offerings.

And the painting that I had doubted from his arrival.

Who put it on the wall?

While murmuring I tried to let go of the painting from the wall.

"Brother, Ejh, please. Anis cried in Her room!"

I hadn't had the chance to touch the painting, one student came to me and asked for my help, to see Anis in her room. Which of the story she said, Anis was acting strange, since it was released from the second floor this afternoon when Maghrib.


She comes