Genderuwo (The Hairy Creature)

Believe in Nothing


And at that very second, I immediately turned my body...

There's no one...

I felt the breath again next to my ear.

My heart was beating fast at that moment. Cold sweat was forced out of my head and neck area.

My legs were weak and my hands were shaking.

I looked back slowly.

The breath is now through my cheek.

I haven't fully turned around yet. I can already see half of his face.

It still looks dim but I can see it now.

Black, big, very big face, bushy hair, fangs, and big eyes bulging red.

And I ventured to see the whole of this figure.

Now I completely turned around and looked at him. Our eyes locked at that time.

I saw in detail what he looked like.

Big black, three times more than me. Very similar to a gorilla, but his wrinkled face and covered with lots of thick hair distinguishes this is not similar to a gorilla.

He has fangs up and down sticking out of his mouth. His eyes were big red and bulging outward looking at me.