Hope Village!

Seeing not only with the eyes, but seeing with the heart.


Zahid and I decided to go straight home. Because I feel dizzy after getting on a boat, drifting in the middle of the ocean, and seeing obscurity.

I don't discuss the matter of the pale white figure anymore, because its existence is also a bit confusing and unclear.

On every trip I just kept quiet, leaning my head on Zahid's back.

My head felt dizzy as if it was being overlapped by a load of asking for kilos.

Maybe it's because I didn't pay much attention to the road where we've arrived.

"Bro, it's here!"

I immediately lifted my head, got off the motorbike, and immediately rushed to my room.

"Zahid, I'll take a break, I'm a bit dizzy"

While I hold the back of the head.

"Are You okay Brother Ejh?"

While holding my arm.

"Oh I Am okay, I can do it by myself,"


He asked worriedly.
