
The motorbike fell right where I fell earlier, after a few seconds I got up from my fall and ran using my roller skates to my friend.

Awan -only saw me silent from the corner of the field.


Yoga stated that to me.


(10 Hours Prior)

After arriving at work, I immediately put all my luggage into the room. Tired from yesterday's bus ride constantly.

"Your room is a mess!" I looked directly at him.

"Yes, what can I do, his name was on vacation yesterday" I replied while lying on the bed.

"Whose bed is this?" pointing to the bed next to mine.

"Ah friend, Ridwan's he is from Bandung"

I glanced at him who suddenly fell asleep on Ridwan's bed.

"I have to take a break because tonight I want to roleplay to play Roller Skater!" I lazily pulled the blanket beside me to cover my body.

"What's that?"

"Wheel, Awan!"

"Oh, I don't understand," he wore a confused expression.