Half Faced Ghost!

Not a challenge if not challenged



I immediately looked in the mirror, when someone greeted me.

"Nonsense!!!" I immediately issued the curse when there was a half-faced female figure behind me.

I leaned against the sink in front of me, lowered my head, and took a deep breath.

Huh I swear, this figure makes me heartbroken. How could I not, I saw a female figure with only half of her face left in her head. The left side of the face to the lower cheek jaw is gone, and only half of it is left on the right.

I felt very nauseous because I saw the flesh that was still moving on his shattered face with a blackish-red color, with blood dripping down his left shoulder down.

"Hi!" she said again, but I couldn't see it. Disgusted yes, I've used the second tier, this figure remains in the same state unchanged all.