Singapore Day 4 (Merlion) II

Not towards me, more precisely towards the creature in front of me.

Then the creature turned his head turned to the screaming child earlier.

"Ahhhhh, he's there, his head, ... his mouth is tired"


He fainted, and many children flocked to him.

"Hey, stop that. You can hurt him by you showing yourself!"

Then the mouthless creature turned back towards me.

"He wants to convey something Ejh, but you have to release the stitches in his mouth first"

Huff why should I be? Hmmmm

"Ok, ok enough. I'll obey you want"

I was close to him, looking very close at his face.

Ewwww, very disgusting.

I took off one by one, the thread tied to his lips.

When I took off the stitches I was thinking, why could he be able to sew his mouth.

Black blood came out and dripped from every thread that I pulled from his lips.

Ewwww my handshaking, and cold.

Awan instead left to see the child who fainted earlier.