A Meeting

Strange Taste, Occurs When Degenerate


I've prepared myself for a Flashback to a memory that I'll be tracing.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I said to Awan who was ready to listen to my story.

He just nodded his head slowly.

I went straight into the deepest recesses of my memory where I kept it very neatly.

I searched and finally, I found it when it all started.


I walked next to the boys' dormitory looking around the area, hmmm this place is pretty big.

"Hi, can I get to know you? What's your name? I'm Hera from Cilacap-Central Java!"

I was surprised when there was a girl in front of me.

The wait is this a real person or a 'Them'? I muttered in my heart.

I just looked at the girl my age, wearing a purple t-shirt and knee-length shorts that she wore, her back hair not too long to her waist.

I still haven't answered what she said.

Because actually, I'm also really lazy to meet a girl.