Alas Purwa'Asih (Awan)

Sometimes we have to be careful with our mouths and actions



Sekar shouted loudly and immediately ran towards Desta.

And at the same time, we all turned to look at him.

I saw Desta who was casually at the edge of the cliff approaching the statues that were there, he didn't listen to Sekar's screams and he also casually touched the statue in front of him.

Sekar who ran quickly from our direction seemed in vain because Desta had touched the statue. And in that very second Sekar immediately turned around and knelt towards us.

Meanwhile, Desta was silent after touching the statue. Not long after that, Desta's entire body turned gray.

Sekar who was kneeling, a failed expression appeared on her face.

I and the other spirits could only be silent, watching all the events happening in front of our eyes firsthand. The more here, the more horror this place is.

I walked over to Sekar.