Dark Power (Awan)

All Answers Are A Confession



Sekar shouted, when she saw the whirlpool it became more and more intense.

All the spirits rushed to immediately ascend towards the mainland. Whirlpools that were originally small are now increasingly becoming, indeed the rules are not to be broken. But don't blame it all because of just one person. All of that was an unexpected event.

Those who tried to get out of the lake with difficulty reached the mainland. But the vortex wouldn't stop relenting until it found out who the trick was.

It looked like Albert was defeated until he was the closest to the vortex, but he didn't stay still, he used his strength to get through the swift whirlpool.


The scream was so loud that it pierced every ear that heard it. Worried, anxious, panicked, and everything they feel right now...

Everyone tried their best to escape the vortex.