Flashback - Junior High School III

The reason is the Power of Faith


"Ejh? Last I asked... Are you willing to join this college?"

At that moment I didn't know what was going through my mind, so I immediately answered...

"Yes, I joined this college!" I answered quickly.

And as a result, suddenly Mr. Hendra smiled broadly at me. And at that very second Mr. Hendra immediately asked me to stand up and head to the front of the classroom.

"In this college as long as you know that every time you move up the ranks, you won't get a black, white, yellow belt as a token, but every time you get promoted your hair will be cut at the ends and in certain sections! Can you accept the rules? that first!?"

"I'm ready for the first rule!" I answered with burning enthusiasm!

"The second is that anyone who enters this college cannot divulge or mention the name of this school to anyone!"

I nodded my head quickly and that indicated that I agreed to that.