
Maybe, the opportunity is there


I'm still silent Waiting for who will enter my room. While I was waiting I looked in the direction where Aldo was sitting. What's wrong with him why is he still silent? Hopefully, the way after this I will do to him can work.

But what makes this long is the person who will enter my room. His footsteps drew closer and now they stopped in front of my room. I looked at the door to see who would come in after this.

"Hello, where are you!"

"Well, Andre, what the hell are you doing, I don't think anyone!" I said irritated with Andre.

"Well, just relax, what's the matter!?"

"Yes, I want to do a ritual, if you come it's very disturbing!" I answered directly to Him. More precisely, to the point.

"Rituals?!!!" he asked confused.