Group of Strangers

Don't believe what I say, if you don't believe it.


I walked down this rather steep descent from the high hill I had occupied before. I looked around to make sure that I was really in this unknown place before.

But Am I really where I should be? I'm still confused about all of this, as long as I walk down this place. Because I haven't met a single person or I haven't met a single person yet!

I descended more and more down and began to approach people's homes. I looked to the right and the left, seeing the alley and also the straight path. Going down this way made me wonder where I was right now.

And for sure I've been in another place, not where I was before. What I mean is, I'm not in the toilet anymore, I'm not in the dorm anymore, I'm not on the second floor anymore, but now I'm somewhere else!