The Most Awaited Party

Imran's POV

After a while, I told the driver to give me a ride. I really enjoy driving. It's my 'my' time. I didn't want anyone around at the time. But today's not like that. I feel nervous right now. I have very rare moments in my life where I get nervous. And now that's one of them. I asked my secretary to look for her. And according to his information so far, she never attends parties. She always finds her reasons every time.

It's been only three days since the meeting but it feels like ages. Don't get me wrong, I don't love her, at least not now. But I really want to know everything about her. And who knows if I will love her or not, after that??

The main reason I am still going after being not sure if she will come or not is that I still have hope. According to my secretary, her boss requested or you can say pleaded with her to come to this one. And I really hope she would have accepted it.

"Sir, we have reached." My driver said, bringing me back to earth.

See, that's why I don't want people around me when I am thinking. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door of my Mercedes and came out. Straightening my coat, I buttoned it up. I looked up at the hotel. It's one of our best hotels.

Pushing aside all my thoughts, I went inside. While watching time on my wristwatch, I entered the elevator. I was late. I like that. Making people wait for me.

After entering the venue, I looked around. Everyone tried to wear their best dresses and suits for tonight. In the sky, the moon provided a natural disco ball and lighting. Dainty fairy lights added a surplus amount of color to the parade of footsteps. A sweet melody drifted through the busy atmosphere. I could identify the smell of lavender in scents that had been placed at various intervals around the room.

I stood, idle by the door for a few minutes. It didn't last long because one of them noticed me and announced my arrival. Everyone started coming to greet me. Almost everyone greets me except the one my eyes are searching eagerly for to be greeted from. After that, the owner of her Co. started talking to me. Asked why dad didn't come, etc.

I was getting irritated as he didn't stop spouting his nonsense. I wanted to go, look for her. When my patience level reached its extreme, I excused myself and went away without waiting for his reply. I took long steps to find what my eyes were desperately wanting to see. Not after much but a couple of minutes, I felt like I saw her. So to confirm what I saw, I took a few steps back.

My heart skipped a beat. She was there, she came. She really came. I wanted to dance like crazy. I was so happy. My attendance didn't get wasted. She was looking like an angel in that golden dress. Her skin was shining more brightly in it. Reality hit me when I saw a man dragging her holding her shoulder. Rage took over me.

As far as my information she doesn't have friends, much less a male one. If it's correct then who is he? Why isn't she protesting him?? My eyes were darted on her every move. He took her to the corner and they started arguing about god knows what??

When I couldn't take it anymore, I went after her. I took long breaths to calm myself. They were so busy with their argument that they didn't notice me coming.

"Hello, Ms. Hiba. So good to see you." I said stopping them and forwarding a handshake. Looking at me, her face was back to neutral. I was so hurt. She was smiling and talking to him so nicely. And after seeing me there was no expression on her face.

"Hello, sir. Same here." She replied with a fake weak smile. I wanted to know who is he?? And what relation do they have?? So without letting my mind wander anymore, I asked,

"And he is....." Pointing towards him.

"I am Asad. I am her colleague and her one and only best friend." He replied proudly putting a hand on her shoulder.

"But I didn't see you before. Why were you not present at the meeting??" I asked trying to keep myself calm as much as possible.

"Cause' I wasn't here. I had gone inspecting our project for the last two weeks." He replied.

I don't know why my intuitions were telling me he was not what he said. There is something he is hiding. But then if he was someone important my secretary would have informed me. So, I ignored him.

"By the way you look gorgeous in this dress," I said as a matter of fact.

"Thank you. I....." She got cut off by that idiot again.

"See, I told you it's looking stunning on you. My choice is never wrong you know." He said to her.

The dress I liked until a few minutes ago. Now I hate it. It was chosen by him.


Rayan's POV

I was standing outside my house, all dressed up for Tabish. He told me he'd be here in 10 minutes. But it's 20 minutes now. I was about to call him. But he arrived. He opened the window of his car and said,

"Why did you call me?? You would have booked OLA for you. I am so tired, I wanted to go home. If you call me 5 minutes later, I would be on the way back." With tiredness in his tone.

"I know, Bro. That's why I called you before those 5 minutes. I know your time of leaving. That's why."

I replied with a plastic smile on my lips. I have a party to attend tonight. It's my cousin's party and being an employee of his, I have to attend it. I wanted to stay home, but Mamu called Ammi and said I had to attend it. And being an emotional fool my Ammi forced me to go. I don't like my Mamu and his family, especially his arrogant children the brother-sister duo. They can do anything for business. They take relationships also as a business. Tabish broke my chain of thoughts by saying,

"Are you planning to stand there all night??? If yes, then I will head home."

I blinked my eyes repeatedly to process his words and when I did, I furrowed my eyebrows and said,

"Shut up." And got in the car. He gave me a look and started driving.

*********10 minutes later*********

"Are you going to give me silent treatment now???" I asked him, frustrated by the silence in the car.

"What do you want me to say?? You know I can't talk unless necessary. I'm not a chatterbox like you." He snapped back without removing his eyes from the road.

"But that's for the people you don't know. I am like your brother. Speak something!!! You know I hate silence when I am with you." I said little shifting to face him. He gave me a look like 'What the hell???' Raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him,

"At least tell me some ideas about how to approach your girl's sister. I can't think of one." I said to tease him. Listening saying her 'his girl' he lost control of a car for a second. He stopped the car at the side and looked at me.

"What the hell was that??? How can you say her 'my girl'?? I didn't even talk to her properly." He burst at me.

"Who said that you have to talk to someone first to like them??? And don't lie, OKK!! See how your cheeks got red when I took her name???" I said and winked at him. He kept both of his hands on his cheek to confirm and looked at the rearview mirror. I couldn't control my laugh anymore. I burst into it.

"Oh my god, Tabish. You look so cute when you blush." I said between my laugh. He hit my shoulder and got more embarrassed of himself.

"Shut up, you idiot," he said and started the car again.

After laughing for a good minute, I looked at him. He was treating me like I didn't exist. I patted his shoulder. At first, he ignored me and continuous patted looked at me, and said being frustrated,


"Jokes apart. But I seriously need your help. What should I do???" I asked being serious.

"How could I know??? You are the one who is better in this department!!" I replied and rolled his eyes.

"Heyyy, why are you making it sound like I am a womanizer???" I shouted.

"I didn't say that. You thought it yourself."

"Ohh!! You know what. I asked my cousin about her when she came home to meet Ammi. She said she didn't know much about her. She just got to know her when they were doing that project. She said she's a foodie person. Every weekend she and her siblings go to different restaurants. And she is a topper in her class. She enjoys shopping as well. That's all." I said everything I got to know about her.

"Didn't your cousin doubt you, when you were asking so many questions about her???" He asked instead of giving an answer.

"Nope, she didn't. Cause I didn't ask those questions, Ammi did. She was asking how is her friend and what she do?? I was just crossing her room, so I went there. I was so happy that Ammi also liked her." I said the last part with a big smile.

"Ohh!! But honestly, I have no idea about this." He said and shook his head.

"You know what!! I think we both should go to the same restaurant which they are going to. And somehow try to build a conversation. That's all. This way you can also see her sister. Then you won't have any problem coming with me, right???" I said all my idea in one go without letting him interrupt. I looked at him waiting for an answer. He turned his head towards me and said,

"And why do you think that they will talk to strangers??? And secondly, you know her sister. She can't talk to her siblings, how come she talks to us much less me??? And as you said it's their sibling's dinner. Why do they let us interrupt them??? Don't you think before you say??" He listed all the negative possibilities.

"Urghhh!!! Why are you so negative?? Can't you think good for once??" I asked him being frustrated with him.

"Cause I don't live in a fantasy world like you," I replied with a plastic smile on his face. Urgh!! I so wanted to punch his face.

"You..." I got cut off by him saying,

"Save your curses for next time. See, your hotel came. Now, leave me."

I straightened the coat and got off the car. I waved goodbye to him and started walking inside the hotel. I pressed the button on the lift and sighed. At last, I have to come to his stupid party.

Sana's POV,

I was standing with my dad when he was talking to Mr. Imran. God!!! He looks so hot in that black tuxedo. Like a full meal pack. I was drooling over him when I noticed he wasn't really interested in talking with dad. Instead, he was constantly searching for someone. His eyes were busy scanning the whole surroundings. After a minute or two, he hurriedly excused himself and walked away. I thought of following him. At first, I assumed he must be looking for some of his employees. But when I understood who he was searching for, my whole body felt like it was on fire. My blood started to boil. I dug my nails into my palms to suppress my increasing rage.

He was looking for Hiba. God!!! Why does it always have to be her??? Every single time. Everyone I like, whose attention I want, she gets it. Without even asking for it. I couldn't understand if my luck was so bad or she had some magic in her sleeves.

He was constantly staring at her. She was talking with Asad. Or more correctly, they were arguing about something. It was the first time when I saw speaking Asad fighting with her. No matter what the situation is or who is against Hiba, he used to always take her side. But then I thought maybe I don't know them much. I don't care if they argue or kill each other. And besides, she was someone who could hit anyone's tolerance level. I chuckled at the thought.

I was pulled back to reality when I saw Imran gritting his teeth seeing them. The veins of his forehead had popped up. He was closing and opening his fist as if trying to cool down. He took a deep breath and went to them. A minute ago, he was fuming in anger for god knows why?? And now he was smiling and talking with them. I shook my head and slammed my leg on the ground. As I was about to go, I heard Snehal talking to some waiter.

"Why do you have apple juice on the menu when I personally told the catering staff not to have it?? I told you Heeba Ma'am is highly allergic to it. She has to get admitted to the hospital if she mistakenly also drinks it. She has a severe allergy to it."

"I am sorry, mam. I didn't know it. I came as a replacement for my brother last time." he replied.

"Quickly go and remove all the apple juices from all the hall." She said.

He didn't say anything and went from there. So, she has an allergy to apples. So much that she has to get admitted. But what if she drinks it now??? What will happen to the party when the main person of the evening gets admitted?? Thinking about this, I got an evil idea. I stopped that waiter and took the apple juice glass from him. I went to the corner table. I took another juice and mixed it with the apple juice. I tasted it a bit to see if the taste had changed much or not. It's not that much changed. I called another waiter and said,

"You see that girl in the golden dress. Standing between two boys. Go give her this juice. And if she asks why it tastes different, say you tried a new flavor of it. Understood!!!" He looked at me with questioning eyes. I removed some cash from my purse and gave it to him. He gave me a big smile and went to her. I muttered to myself,

"What will happen to you Hiba?? Who will save you this time??" and smirked.
