Preparation for the Trip

Heeba's POV,

I was in the washroom brushing my teeth when I heard a knock on the door. Kashish asked,

"Aapi, did you wake up? What are you doing inside?". I stopped brushing and looked around. And what else can we do in the bathroom other than taking a shower, brushing our teeth, and answering nature's call?? I washed my mouth and wiped it with the towel.

"Nope!! I am planning to sleep inside the bathroom. You know I was thinking of arranging a bed here." I replied to her stupid question.

"Aapi, can't you for once give a proper answer??" She said irritatedly.

"For that, you should ask a proper question, baby. And that is far from your reach. Am I right??" Saying this, I opened the door and found her standing at the door.

"Aapi will do all this fighting some other day. OKK!! I have something really important to ask you." She said dragging me to our bed. She sat on it while I walked towards the dressing table to comb my messy hair.