The Dark War (Ch.5)

The Forsaken...

An entirely new species formed from darkness itself, depraved, monstrous, blood thirsty creatures who fed on the spiritual energy of supernatural creatures.

When a supernatural creature had fallen deeply into the forbidden desires and began practicing dark magic, slowly, a little at a time, the darkness seeps into their soul, their soul is reformed into something entirely different,

Something horrible and terrifying but far more powerful than a normal supernatural creature...a monster formed of darkness itself, the forsaken.

When a supernatural creature died with great regrets they were unable to reconcile with, their souls would refuse to ascend and the darkness would take over, turning even the dead to a blood thirsty monster formed of darkness and once again, a forsaken was created.

For countless years, since the time before remembering the supernatural creatures had fought the deadly battle against their greatest nemesis, the forsaken, a specie which was an evil to all species of the supernatural world, the only enemy the entire all supernatural species had in common.

Werewolves, Vampires, Merfolks, Faeries, Demons, Witches and the greater mythical beasts, all dreaded the existence of the forsaken and equally all species could fall into the darkness and turn forsaken.

Despite how long the war had lasted and how tirelessly the supernatural creatures had fought, it was impossible to completely eradicate a species that were being formed from the darkness of the heart itself, regardless of if the supernatural creature was dead or alive,

Anyone and anything at any moment of weakness and evil desires, the darkness would take root and would slowly begin to grow and if one failed to get rid of it, it would completely overtake the heart and the creature would be turned forsaken.

The Forsaken could never truly be killed as their souls had been conformed into something entirely different, death or life were no longer characteristics of their nature.

While the supernatural creatures fought desperately, bled and died on the battlefield in the never ending war against the forsaken, more and more creatures fell into the darkness and while the population of the supernatural creatures reduced drastically,

The numbers of the forsaken grew steadily till they had become a great, unmatched army of dark forces.

The war had seemed hopeless, the faith of the supernatural world had died out and all the creatures had given up, the battle would be lost and the forsaken would overtake the world and launch their next attack on the human realm which the supernatural realm had sworn to protect.

Once the human realm was annihilated, all living creatures would be turned or killed and the world would belong to the forsaken.

The future had seemed bleak, but it was at that very moment the Crimson Moon Pack had appeared.

The Crimson Moon Pack, the purest bloodline of Lycans, the very first supernatural creatures formed by the creator and blessed with the creator's touch.

With heightened supernatural abilities even greater than that of their fellow supernatural creatures and the gift of command over the elements of nature, the crimson wolves of the crimson moon pack had joined the battle, led by their Alpha, they had fearlessly charged on the forsaken.

It was said that nature and everything there was all could be traced back to the five major elements, air, water, fire, earth and spirit, even darkness itself was a manifestation of the elements and so the greatest weapon against creatures formed of darkness was the great elements themselves.

The element of air, the very essence of life itself, untainted by darkness, a giver of life which was the nemesis of the darkness.

The element of water, calm and ever flowing, the most abundant element in all the Earth, it's dominance was absolute and with a purity that darkness could never taint, even darkness could not prevail against it.

The element of Earth, from whence all existence was formed and to same all existence returns in death, a powerful force of nature strong and rigid, unshakable even by darkness.

The element of spirit, the blessed fifth element and the rarest of them all, darkness itself was merely but a manifestation of the power of spirit and could only tremble in it's presence.

The element of fire, fierce and all consuming, it was said to have been able to burn away even darkness itself, the wielders of this element were the vanguard of the battle and the Alpha of the crimson moon pack, blessed with the creator's flame was said to be able to scorch the heavens and raze down the Earth.

Under the creator's guidance, they fought fiercely, obliterating the forsaken in waves, they restored hope to the supernatural realm and with a new found determination, the final battle was launched, spearheaded by the Crimson Moon Pack.

Since the beginning of existence, it was the only occasion all creatures were united in will and purpose, fighting for a common cause, willing to risk their lives for one another, this sight greatly pleased the creator.

The tables were turned, the united forces of the supernatural world overcame their greatest enemy and conquered the forsaken, completely annihilating the vast army and banishing the darkness.

Although the darkness itself which was also a force of nature could never truly be eradicated, as a final act, the Crimson Moon Pack forged the great element seal from the blood of all the Crimson wolves, the seal that would forever keep the darkness at bay and protect the supernatural world from the possession of the darkness.

Peace was restored to the Earth and the creator's mercy restored the fruitfulness of the lands which had been ravaged by the forsaken, the war was over...a treaty was formed, swearing to a forever united supernatural world which had birthed the different committees of all the species and the grand supernatural council.

The Crimson Moon Pack had been exalted as the saviors of the earth, however they had rejected all accolades and had retired back into seclusion, disappearing from the supernatural world forever... until a time came where they were needed again.

Who would have thought that many, many years later, the revered Crimson Moon Pack, the saviors of the realms would be massacred and wiped from existence by the very creatures they had risked their lives to save?

Evil was repaid for good, fate was cruel...fate was truly cruel.