Self Loathing (Ch.43)

"Your wolf is raging and so are you, I understand..." Zariah sucked in a deep breath before she continued.

"You are scaring me Askel, hold me... I want you to hold me." Zariah murmured quietly but she knew he had heard, for in the next moment, he obeyed.

His taut muscles eased beneath Zariah's touch and his grip loosened, the merman dropping from his hand and landing to the ground with a thud.

"Nile...end it." Zariah thought to the spirit guide knowing he was more than capable of vanquishing a malevolent demon spirit without harming the host.

Just as Zariah conveyed the thought, she was pulled into a warm embrace and Zariah's heart rate accelerated as she felt his muscular arms circle her waist, electrifying jolts rushing through her, spreading from every single point his skin met hers.

King Askel dipped his head down to Zariah's hair and breathed in deeply, inhaling her scent to calm his wolf and then he nudged Zariah's head gently.