If No One Else Is Feared (Ch.63)

Zariah glanced through the map of the Floral Domain, making a mental comparison, 

Zariah was relieved to see it was the exact same as the map stored in the archives of the Crimson Moon Pack which meant the knowledge of the territories held by Crimson Moon was still accurate.

Zariah's gaze snapped up as the doors to the library were opened and in walked King Askel, Lord Kodin and the high ranked wolves of the Royal Lycan Pack.

Zariah ignored how her heart did a flip at the sight of King Askel and she equally ignored the intensity of his gaze on her as he walked into the library.

Perhaps it was because Zariah did not wish for King Askel to see in her eyes that she had been unable to find sleep the previous night, her mind reeling with the final words he had said to her.

So much so that she had eventually come out to the library hours before dawn to peruse through the ancient texts and get a better understanding of the domains,