The Sea King 2 (Ch.73)

"The sleeping mist?" Luther asked.

Zariah recalled she had read of it before, amongst other unique magical plants that were native to the Sea Kingdom.

"It is an underwater plant, when inhaled or injested, it induces a temporary state of unconsciousness that lasts till an antidote is administered." Zariah explained.

"Lady Zariah is correct. We concluded the team of five had unknowingly chanced upon the sleeping mist and fallen under it's influence, drifting with the waves till they arrived the West Sea." King Himan continued.

Zariah frowned slightly, how possible was it that five different mermen had drifted on the waves, not to completely different locations but to the same location?

It was clear Zariah was not the only one who had such thoughts as King Askel aired the question on her mind.

"All five of them? Drifted with the waves and deposited at the same location?" King Askel asked with a frown.