Apprehended (Ch.78)

Zariah's eyes fluttered open, glancing around her room, a small smile settled on her lips when she took in the open sea that was visible through the transparent walls on a side of her room.

There were curtains set to be lowered in the case that Zariah would not prefer the view but Zariah had gone to sleep with them hanging up, 

Waking up to the view of the sea and sea life swimming about was an entirely different feeling and a strange sense of calm Zariah had not felt in a long time rested over her.

Zariah noticed her meditation had been way more effective in this way and her heart felt at ease.

Zariah would have thought she would find the Sea Kingdom unfamiliar and would have difficulty getting accustomed, 

But it had only been a night and Zariah felt she could sleep all day with the quiet sound of the sea waters lulling her.