An Apology (Ch.105)

Zariah heard footsteps approaching, she didn't need to look up to know who had come and why so she remained in a meditative posture till the presence was standing right before her cell.

"Lady Zariah." The Sea King spoke after a moment of silence.

"King Himan." Zariah returned the acknowledgement as her eyes fluttered open to meet the burdened expression of the Sea King.

Prince Treyton hovered at his father's side, his gaze equally complicated.

The Sea King seemed hesitant for a moment, probably still in disbelief of what he had just realized.

"You were right...Imain...he is after the throne." The Sea King murmured in a low tone before he sucked in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, his tail flicking ever so often, a tell tale sign of his agitation.

Zariah was not surprised by the Sea King's words so her expression remained blank and unfazed.