Winter Woods (Ch.119)

A man in a pitch dark cloak stood in a dark and shadowy part within the very depths of the winter woods.

There was a large hood pulled over his head, that draped down to below his nose, keeping his features hidden.

He seemed to be waiting for someone and in a moment, Lord Dinani emerged from around a corner.

"You are late." The man in the cloak stated in a chilling cold tone.

"There was a momentary delay. I had to ensure I was not trailed and take a detour to get here." Lord Dinani replied in an indifferent tone.

"A detour? Your status allows you to move as freely as you want, how is it that I get here before you?" The man in the cloak stated.

"The more people I meet, the more I risk exposure. You should commend my insight. Besides it's freezing out here, not a place I am eager to visit." Lord Dinani continued with a casual shrug.

"Worthless!" The man in the cloak snarled in a tone of disdain.