Not What, Who...(Ch.121)

Holt sniffed, his large eyes scanning the forest filled with brightly blooming flowers before he tilted his muzzle down to the earth, sorting through the various scents.

Holt shook his head at the sharp, piercing scent of the flowers that altered his sense of smell and made it extremely difficult for him to concentrate on a single one.

Holt growled lowly, isolating the unnecessary scents till he again picked up that unique scent of spices.

Holt moved forwards, the soft mud of the forest earth squelching beneath his paws as he moved in a slow pace, his muzzle still leaned towards the earth, following the scent trail.

When Holt was certain he had determined the right direction, he lifted his head up to breathe in much needed air and clear his nose of the flowery scent.

A flower petal rested on Holt's nose and he shook his head furiously to get off the annoying petal and possibly get rid of the irritating itch it caused to his sensitive nose.