Ungrateful (Ch.151)

"Darren, come over for a moment. Would you recognize this?" Eloneth called to Darren who retrieved another pile of volumes from the shelf.

Darren headed over to Eloneth and peered down at the volume she had open before her, it was a large book with pages which were already worn out with age.

Yet most of the writings were still legible since the volume had been properly and carefully stored.

Again, Darren had to admit keeping the ancient records was the only thing the floral domain had done right in the past centuries.

The language written in the volume was strange and unfamiliar, but what caught Darren's attention was the familiar drawing on the very first page of the volume. 

"This..." Darren gasped, as he recalled the strange treasure Zariah had recovered from Lord Imain at the Sea Dome.