A Council Called (Ch.160)

"Dee?" Kaileen called to her mate quietly so as not to startle her.

"Huh?" Dionne was drawn out of her daze by Kaileen's voice and glanced over her shoulder.

"Oh Dee..." Kaileen breathed a pained sigh as she took note of Dionne's red and swollen eyes which showed Dionne had been crying.

Dionne's hand shot up to quickly wipe her tears and she forced a smile to her lips.

"I'm fine... I am." Dionne assured Kaileen as she returned her attention to mixing Zariah's tonic as Nile had directed.

Dionne was not very good at lying and so the moment Kaileen rested a hand on her shoulder, she broke down into quiet sobs.

"I should have been by her side... I am Zariah's honor guard. I took an oath to protect her...an oath I have failed terribly at keeping." Dionne croaked out.

Kaileen breathed a shaky sigh as her hands went around Dionne's waist and Kaileen rested her head against Dionne's back.