A Mother Unlike Others (Ch.165)

The council had not expected Askel's arrival, and the elders exchange panicked looks as they rose to their feet and bowed in greeting.

The hall then fell into silence, no one dared speak. Askel's fury was visible and the aura exuded from him was dark and deadly, the elders knew better than to say a word.

But Askel needed an answer, he needed to know how his own council would dare deliberate about his private affairs behind his back.

"Who ordered this council?" Askel demanded in a dangerously low tone.

"Your Grace, you have only just ascended the throne as Ethereal King, it is only natural that your council be mindful of every affair at this time." Elder Jared finally spoke up.

Askel's brows twitched slightly as he turned to face Elder Jared.

"Who ordered this council?!" Askel asked again, knowing well enough that Elder Jared was not daring enough to do this all on his own.