Caedmon (Ch.177)

Eloneth nodded slowly, she could see that Zariah would not come between her relationship with Darren but also would not pretend to be on friendly terms with Eloneth.

"Do you hate me? I mean you saved me even when my mother made things difficult for everyone and you still got hurt in the process."

"You lost a month and a half's worth of time with King Askel... and now, with everything that's happening..." Eloneth trailed off, unable to complete her statement.

"Listen, did cost me a lot to save you, and with all your mother did, it is a sacrifice the Fae was not deserving of. "

"That being said, all I did, I did willingly. Because my cousin's happiness is mine, his pain is mine and I will give anything if he would never have to get hurt, whether it be a month and a half...or my very life." Zariah made clear.