His Idea of Love (Ch.189)

Zariah walked through the forest at a slow pace, the feel of the wind on her hair was chilling, slowly drying up her still damp hair.

Zariah had left her hair undone to air dry, on any other day, she would have easily dried it up with an insignificant fraction of her flame element but that was no longer ideal.

By Nile's firm order, Zariah was not to summon flame magic for any cause whatsoever and even without Nile's order, Zariah found her magic was greatly depleted and difficult to reach.

It would take too much effort, one Zariah was not prepared to muster just yet.

Of course, over the past few days, Zariah had steadily recovered but she was still a long way away from being well enough to wield magic.

Summoning magic to dry her hair and aggravating her health condition did not seem like a worthwhile bargain to Zariah and so she had just left her hair to air dry.