The phone call

"Afraid to loose!?,no am not because I know I can't loose to such a jack.."she muttered as she walked at the stage.

She clasped the microphone tightly against her small soft palms.

The crowd cheered harder and louder making her smile broader.

"Thank you so much. Am honored to perform before you great people..."she began.

The cheering from the crowd got louder and thunderous.

"I will sing a new song. I just wrote the song yesterday morning and I would just love to perform it to you before it's produced,"she continued and the crowd cheered again.

The judges exchanged their gazes and nodded with a smile. Performing a new song meant an extra score and she was the only one who had done that of all the performers.

Behind the stage,Olivia was fuming with rage.

"What is that ugly rat trying to do?...she will get a higher mark just by singing a new song,"she hissed angrily.

"Calm down Olivia,we must take this.Royals Super Voices always leads and nothing is changing that,"her manager encouraged her.

At the stage,Calista begun her song.

I fell deep in love,with you

And my heart now,beats for you

Every moment,I long for you

Tell me how and when,I will see you

Days and weeks come and pass by

Seasons as well follow the lead

I see the sun rise and set in it's horizon

Every day as I wait for you

They say what doesn't kill you

makes you stronger

But this is too strange and different

It's not killing me but is eating me up

From within it's making me weaker

Tell me how and when...

I will see you again...

The song flowed in the rhythm and almost everyone in the crowd got carried away.

The voice was too melodious and the emotions could be seen on Calista's face as though she had actually been through such a tough love situation.

Tell me how and when....

I will see you again....

She finished her song.

Her breathing was smooth and a small smile settled on her face.Her now shut eyes,opened up and she could see all the eyes on her.

Thunderous claps and cheering filled the hall as soon as she finished the song.

Her hand loosened it's grip on the microphone and a sweet smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She bowed before the people and left the stage.

The MC took the stage after she left.

"Oh my word,I almost thought she was singing to me...I would announce her the winner if I were the judge but too bad am not but that was so beautiful. Wait...has anyone ever heard such a beautiful voice?"the MC asked.

"Noooo...."the crowd boomed in unison.

"I guessed so as well but I have because I have been listening to Angel C.S sing,"he spoke boldly.

Calista reached the room where her manager and the other singers were in.

Lisa hopped on her and gave her a tight embrace.

"That was too good Angel and why didn't you tell me you were going to sing a new song?"she asked faking fury.

"Wanted to make it special,"came Calista's short answer.

In less than ten minutes,all the right singer were called to the stage for the announcement of the results.

The MC took the stage and gave chance to the judges to say what they had for the performers.

The judges did as asked. And almost all the judges kept on praising Calista to Olivia's anger.

The judges part was soon done and it was time to announce the results.

"Now,this is the part I was badly waiting for and may our able judges tell us who have made it to the semi finals..."Wyatt Braylon announced.

Addison Atticus began the announcement, reading from the last position and moving upwards.

The five groups were read and three groups were remaining.The Royals Super Voices, Secret Voices and N.Y.V Group.

At the last level, Jameson Aldo Atlas announced.

"At the third position,we have N.Y.V Group represented by Ethan Atticus,"he began the announcement.

From her standing position,Olivia felt like she would just tear Calista's face down for making it all the way to top three. She felt quite embarrassed that she demeaned the girl due to her own jealous and now she had to face the embarrassing truth.

"At position number two,we have..."a deafening silence covered the hall when Aldo said that.

Royals Super Voices had always taken the top position but today, Secret Voices had vividly done supremely who was the

"The second position was taken by the...Royals Super Voices!! we definitely know who took the first position."

A great cheering took on after the announcement. Calista was the winner of the music tornament.

Olivia felt embarrassed and disappointed but she couldn't storm off the stage while everyone and the reporters were on to capture her every move.

She forced a smile on and turned to Calista who could hardly contain her joy. She stretched her hand to hers.Calista accepted it and shook it with a smile but to her surprise,Olivia squeezed her hand hard.

It was sudden and unexpected and Calista felt like pulling off with all her might but she didn't.

If it were not for the crowd that was cheering their hand shaking,she could have pulled away her hand.

She beared the pain while her eyes gazed at Olivia's face void.She couldn't squeeze her hand back.Violence never worked with her.

Finally Olivia let go of her hand and they both walked off the stage.Reporters took photos as of them both.

Cosima Andrews stood from her seat and headed to the stage.She took a silver colored sash and pinned it around Calista from the right side and it dangled at her left side.

Olivia kept on posing for the camera as though she was the one who had won. That didn't annoy Calista but she thought it best to let her entertain the media.

She walked down the stage and joined her manager.They both walked towards the exit but before they could get there,the reporters were all on them.

"Angel C.S,how does it feel to take the first position?Now that you have won,will you consider the offer of joining the Royals Super Voices?The song you performed today was such an emotional love song,what inspired you to write it?Are you waiting for the man you love come back to you?"they started their questioning without giving her a chance to answer one at a time.

Calista smiled before answering their questions.

"First it feels good to be in the first position but the position doesn't matter to me, what matters is that I was able to beat the Royals Super Voices, something that singers haven't been able to do. Second,I am not even thinking of the offer to join the Royals Super Voices,I will always work with the Secret Voices.And,I actually don't know what inspired me to write the song,it just flew along and there it was and lastly,am waiting for no man,am not dating,not engaged and not planning to do any of that soon,"she confidently responded.

"Do you think you would have won today if Jameson Aldo Atlas had represented the Royals Super Voices?"one of the reporters questioned.

It was such a great question for Calista. She was actually disappointed that she couldn't complete against the king of love songs.

"I was really disappointed that I couldn't compete against him...I really wanted to win against him,"she boldly spoke making the media and the fans around her smile with a great pride for her.

At that,she pushed her away from the media.If she had body guards,they would do that for her but her bad she didn't and she was still far from getting one.

"You did so well angel,"Lisa could not contain her joy.

She was all smiles.

Any other manager would be if their singer won such a great performance competition.

"Am glad I did...and thanks. Do you believe that I don't need favor from an influencial musician for me to make it in my carrier?"she asked with a grin as they walked along.

"So full of yourself miss,huh?"a male voice from behind interrupted them.

They both halted and turned.

Jameson was standing there with a broad grin.

None of them spoke but Jameson could see the questioning look Calista was tearing him with.

"Wanted to compete against me?"he asked,the smile still on his face.

"At least I would have considered that a real victory,"she responded.

Jameson glanced at the floor then bit his lower lip,then chuckled.

He took a step towards her and gazed directly at her face.

Unexpectedly,he commented on her beauty.

"You are incredibly beautiful Angel C.S,"he spoke.

That caught Calista off guard but she gained her composure before he could realize it.

Lisa laughed silently behind...of course she was.

"I hope that had nothing to do with my victory,"she boldly responded.

"Not at all..."Jameson flashed his answer almost immediately.

Just then, Calista's phone rang. Lisa handed her the purse where the phone was.

She fumbled her purse until she got it. To her surprise,it was her mother calling.

It was already very late at night!

"Mother..."she began then silence.

The silence took some minutes but the smile on Calista's face disappeared.

"Coming right away mother. Don't worry, everything will be fine,"she responded then hanged the phone up.