Meeting the family

A convoy of five cars arrived at the Atlas mansion in New York. The newly weds alighted the Buggatti that had come to pick them up from the airport elegantly.They were welcomed by the butler and other maids who stood in two straight lines bowing their heads slightly.

"Welcome young master and ma'am,"the butler spoke as the couple walked between them.

Calista wanted to have a full view of the place but she could not as Maverick was already beginning to stride towards the door where his family stood.

All she could tell was that the house was magical!

She noticed two faces she had seen before. Yeah,she knew two ladies who had dressed so elegantly. There make up,their hairstyles,their clothes and shoes..they all shouted money and wealth.

One was in a long red wine dress. It was off shouldered with a low v- shaped neck that showed a bit of her cleavage. The dress possessively hugged her body a with a long split that ran upto her mid thigh, exposing her glowing white skin and the red stuart weitzman stilletos she had put on. She wore her hair down though it was just below her shoulders and the make up complimented her beauty beyond words. That was Taylor. She was wearing a welcoming smile as she directly looked at the girl that was slowly approaching them.

The other one was Sage..Oh how could she forget the people that performed a great drama when she got to her new home on her wedding night!?

Sage was in shimmery black dress. It hugged her body beautifully but not too tight.The dress was cut on both sides and the cuts ran all the way to her mid thighs as well. She was wearing six inches gucci shoes. Her long brunnet hair was tied in a beautiful bun with two strands hugging from each side. Her make up made her look far much more than gorgeous. They were both true definition of beauty.

Beside Sage stood another blond woman. She was abit elderly but her beauty was not wavered by her age. She was striking pretty and her green knee length dress was worth kissing an a** for. 'That must be his mother...'Calista guessed as her eyes fell on another blonde lady who was wearing a dark blue dress.It was knee length as well and she wore Louis Vuitton shoes. She was stunning as well. There were two man that stood beside the women. They were dressed in wealth and we're both very handsome though one looked abit older.

She struggled to increase her pace to reach that non- gentleman husband of hers. They soon reached where everyone stood,infront of the door.

The woman she guessed was Maverick's mother,stepped forward and embraced his son lovingly.

"Mom,"she acknowledged her as they embraced lovingly.

"My handsome boy. Welcome home. Mummy really missed you,"she spoke as she patted his silk deep black hair affectionately and her voice was shaky as though she was going to cry.

"Am here now mom,am I not? So it's fine,"Maverick spoke. Concern and assurance in his voice.

He embraced his sisters lovingly and the other ladies with smiles. The older man patted his shoulder and hugged the younger one,Eddy.

Calista could feel the love in the air. They seemed to love each other so much!

Her eyes shifted to the blonde girl was n a blue dress. She saw the deadly glares she was throwing at her before she smiled.

That was strange!

Calista ignored her look and enjoyed the view before her. It seems no one noticed her now. Maverick returned and stood beside her.

The older blonde woman turned to Calisya. She hugged her lovingly before talking.

"Welcome home my dear. You really are very beautiful my sweet. Hun,is she not gorgeous?"she asked turning to face the man who stood right behind her.

The man gave her a sweet smile as he nodded in approval.

"She really is my dear..."the man responded affectionately as he looked at Calista with a dotting eye.

"You are just the perfect girl for my son Calista..."she spoke making Calista release a deep breath. She did not even know that she had been holding her breathe for all that while. Now that they knew that she was Calista and not Izara and all of them were all smiles,then she had nothing to worry about but play along.

But.. Maverick told her that none of his family knew her. Did he lie to her?..she wondered as she threw him a glance.

"Thank you so much mother..."she spoke with a warm smile. Diana hugged her again as she let out a chuckle.

"See,she even called me mother already! Welcome home my daughter,"she continued with a smile.

Dianna wanted to speak again but Taylor moved forward and spoke.

"Dianna,it's my turn now and you really are making me envy her with all this praises you are showering her!"Taylor spoke, addressing her mom with her first name. She was used to that and none of them found it off except for Calista who believed it was wrong to address your parent with their name.

"Oh,my poor daughter.. you know that you are extremely beautiful and I have always told you that but this is the first time am seeing your brother's wife you know and she has an exceptional beauty,"Dianna spoke.

Taylor moved forward and warmly embraced her new sister in law.

"Welcome home miss beauty..."she spoke with a warm smile. Sage stepped forward as well and tightly hugged her.

"Damn!You are so pretty Cally. Hope you are okay with me calling you that?"Calista asked as she released her from her embrace.

"I don't and thank you so much Sage!"Calista confirmed with a sweet smile on.

Maverick let a loud sigh as they watched silently the drama between the four women unfold. It seems that he did not need to make any formal introduction.

Dianna took her hand and helped her climb that stair.

"This my husband, Jack Atlas,"she introduced her to the man who stood with a sweet smile on.

"Hello father..."she greeted respectfully as she bowed her head respectfully. That's how she was used to greating her uncles and grandfather. She would bow her head slightly then go hug her grandfather She would sometimes forget to and one of her aunt would scold her for being disrespectful. But today she remembered that without a scold.

Mr Atlas smiled at her action then moved forward and gave her a fatherly hug.

"Welcome home my dear,"his voice was warm and he was being too friendly with her, making the other women raise their brows abit.

He was ofcourse a cheerful and friendly man but he was now being so over friendly.

"Thank you father,"came her response as she released her from his embrace.

Two more people were remaining and the introduction would be over. Maverick silently prayed that they would get done with everything soon and go inside already.

They were just making this take too long out here.

"Mom..can we continue the formalities when inside?"he asked but it sounded more of an order.

Dianna chuckled.

"You impatient son of mine...just wait. We are almost there. My dear you have to get used to my son,he can be a real gentleman sometimes,"Dianna directed it to Calista as she giggled happily like some teenager.

Calista smiled looking at Maverick who glared at her as though it was her idea to do all these formalities right here.

"And this is Eddy my other son,"the introduction picked on from where they left it. Calista sighed as she shifted her eyes to the next family member.

'Wait,another son? What does that mean?'she asked herself as she smiled at the handsome man who was grinning at her.

"Nice to meet you sister..."he spoke but waited for her to remind her her name.

"Calista..."she reminded him with a sweet smile on.

Eddy stretched his hand and Calista accepted it. He bent forward and kissed it while looking at her eyes.

Calista frowned.

If that's how brother in laws were to look at there sister in laws...she was unaware of the new trend then.

Maverick saw how Eddy looked at his wife and he felt anger rise inside him. He moved forward and took her hand from Eddy's grip.

Eddy smirked when he saw how Maverick reacted. He knew how he was so possessive with what he marked as his but he did not even like the girl and here,he had crashed on her already. He wondered how beautiful Izara was that Maverick wanted to marry her instead. He already knew about the whole issue that took place and the bride's swift.

"I guess we should go inside now!"he ordered his eyes,portraying his normal coldness.

"We should but first,meet Casey. She is my first daughter in-law,my son Flavian's wife,"Mr Jack Atlas spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Calista's ears noted that. She wondered why he would be so sad talking about his son and why is it that he had never heard of the Atlas sons if they were so many,four of them!

Calista stretched her hand towards her with her normal sweet smile on.

"Nice to meet you Casey,"she spoke happily.

Casey looked at the girl with envy in her eyes. It seems everyone already loved her here and she was jealousy. Jealousy of her for everything,her beauty and the most for being with Maverick.

"Nice to meet you too Calista and welcome to the family,"she gave a pretentious smile.

It seems she has a new foe.