Disappointed III

Calista woke up the following morning at around ten am. She gasped when she saw what the time. This was her very first time she had slept for so long. Her eyes were hurting a bit and they felt heavy,as though they were swollen.

She got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself on the mirror and frowned. Her eyes were swollen but not that much. She did her facial care and her oral care.

She took white towel to wipe her face and she heard a deep sweet voice speak at the back of her head.

The voice was rich but so sweet and it did not help in making Calista not wanting the owner there with her, touching her. She yearned for him so much just by hearing that voice of his and using that seductive tone on her.

'wipe off that blush of yours little wife. Those pink checks of yours are becoming tempting...'his voice sounded the previous night and she was already on cloud nine.


"Ofcourse you are allowed to ask and you can even come for me if you want,little wife,"he spoke after ignoring his raising heartbeat.

Calista blushed again and her face was all pink. She bit her lower lips unknowingly and remained silent.

"Are you still there little wife?"he asked when all he got was silence. Calista gulped then blushed again.

"Wipe off that blush of yours little wife. Those pink cheeks of yours are becoming tempting!"she heard him say through the phone.

She blushed even harder.

She did not know why she kept on blushing,maybe because of the crazy naughty images that were running at the back of her head.

"So where should I come for you? At the office? But I don't even know where your office is,"she asked, oblivious that her voice had softened to the 'more than a normal conversation' one. Maverick smiled at himself. He was loving this conversation so much.

"Actually I am out of town little wife. Something came up and I flew to New York in the morning. Sorry I was busy that I could not inform you earlier,"he spoke. That surprised Calista. She did not know why he was explaining himself to her but she liked it. That is a kind of treatment every lady loves from their partners! She was disappointed he could not see what she prepared for him but she was glad that he cared to apologize for not informing her.

"It's fine Roy,but hope that it's nothing serious and you are not in trouble!"she spoke to her own surprise. She had really relaxed and their conversation was getting more than casual already.

Maverick chuckled.

"Roy?"he asked in both curiosity and interest.

"Yeah...Roy for Royals. I won't use it of you don't want me to,"she quickly added as her bright face dimmed.

Maverick didn't miss the change in her tone.

"I love my new name little wife and am ever out of trouble little wife and yes it's nothing serious,"he spoke and Calista's mood enlightened again.

"When will you be back home?"she asked.

"Am not sure yet but I will try get everything done and come back at weekend!"he informed her and her face fell again. It was Monday,so she would not see him in days. But she did not dare complain. The last thing she wanted was him thinking that she was a desperate woman.




Calista's tummy grumbled in funny voices just to remind her how starved she was. The other day,she had just taken some snacks for lunch and she went to bed on an empty stomach.

"Okay,we will freshen up then get something to eat and yes we are going to have a pretty rough day,I guess!"she spoke while caressing her tummy.

Anyone who would see her now would think she is pregnant!

She quickly freshened up then dressed into a white long sleeved jumpsuit and white flipflop. She then combed her hair and tied it into a neat ponytail.

Without make up on,she picked her phone and laptop and walked to the living room. She had decided not to remain locked in her room all day since the one she was always hidding from was not home and won't be back soon.

She placed the laptop on the table when she reached the dinning room then left for the kitchen.

"Good morning ladies...and Meshach who is not a lady!"she greeted then corrected herself when she saw Meshach there as well.

"Morning ma'am!"they all bowed in respect with their faces all smiles. They all seemed happy to see her.

"Thank you for preparing the breakfast for me guys,you won't believe how starving I am!"she exclaimed as she walked out of the kitchen.

"You are welcomed ma'am.."they all spoke in unison. It seems none of them did not want to miss a chance to respond to what she says.

"Somebody tell me that am not just dreaming of a kind hearted lady boss!"Rose spoke in almost a shriek.

"Actually you are dreaming because your crazy Addison is comeback for you!"Cindy teased her and Rose scoffed making the other two girls giggle happily. They were ever this happy if Maverick was out of the house and if Addison had not come visiting. But now they were now free birds.

"Now stop giggling and get back to work!"Meshach ordered and Rose sneered at him and got back to work.


"What do you have for me Bryce?" Maverick asked one of his trusted men. He had many men but he trusted only three, Bruce, Bryce and Mark.

"Sir, I found out that Amir,Sir Fabian's personal guard, decided to resign from the crew a month after Sir Fabian's accident,"he reported and Maverick nodded while sipping his coffee.

He always knew that they were good. He thought he would take time to wrap his finger on this but it's seems they had taken a huge step already.

"That's good Bryce.Now I need the three of you to find Amir and bring him in as soon as possible!"he instructed.

"But sir we can't leave you ungarded,"Mark conflicted.

"Am fine Mark and I still have guards all around me so get to work,"he spoke and they bowed and stood to leave his office.

"Hey.."he called to them when they were almost at the door.

"Be careful all of you. No violence unless needed Bruce.You two check on him!"Maverick ordered and they smiled at him in assurance.

Bruce was the twin to Bryce. They were good fighters and they were perfect in what they did but Bruce could be very hostile.

The most quiet among the twins but the most fierce as well. No one could know by just looking at his handsome and calm looking face. Bryce always looked fierce but he did not result to violence so easily like Bruce.

Mark was the joker among the three despite his conflicting features. So strong looking but so talkative and always smiled even when he was not supposed to. The gun was more of his friend,who thought more on his behalf.

He is a snipper.


Mr Thomas Hudson sat oh his swivel chair in his office. A knock on the door came to his ears and he smiled.

His son was finally here. The door opened and a tall young man in his late twenties walked in. He was wearing a blue Armani suit and Armani shoes. His blonde hair was combed back neatly. His pure gold watch looked great on his wrist. His handsome and musculine face matched well his musculine body.

"Dad!"Nathaniel Hudson acknowledged as he stepped in. Thomas Hudson walked towards his son and took him in for an embrace.

"Welcome back son. I hope that you have moved back for good this time,"Thomas spoke and Nathaniel nodded.

"Ofcourse dad but I will be visiting Canada anytime I want to,"he informed him and Thomas Hudson nodded and sat back on his chair and Nathaniel did too.

"So what happened son? Don't tell me that my son finally gave up on that girl that had literally driven him mad!"

"She still drives me mad dad and no I haven't given up on her even though she is now married!"

Nathaniel shocked his father with that. He saw that look on his face and sighed.

"Dad I love her so much and I cannot just loose him to some man because he is richer than me. I am not giving up on her!"

Nathan declared but his father did not understand him. Richer than him!?

"Son,why don't you find a lady here and get married? There are rich ladies all around and more beautiful here in New York." Thomas tried to get his son out of his obsession.

"No one,no lady is as beautiful as her dad. Her body shape,her skin,her face,her smile,her eyes,her voice,her laughter...dad it's her I want and it's her I must marry. I did not befriend her since highschool to come lose her now!"he declared in a low growl.

They had such a heated discussion that they were oblivious of Melissa who was now looking at her older brother like he was some maniac.

"Brother, I have this friend of mine. She is Idith,trust you will like her!"she chipped in.

The two men turned to look at her.

"Melissa can't you knock before getting in here?"Thomas reprimanded her.

"I did dad but as ever you are just into your son's boring and annoying personal life!"she snapped back. Melissa looked at her brother waiting for an answer but got none.

"So!?"she finally asked.

"So what Melissa? Go get her another man but as for me,I will fight for my Calista!"he declared then walked out of the way office,banging the door on his way out.

Melissa looked at her dad and sighed.

"Your son needs help, actually he needs his father's prayer. You better start believing in the power of prayers and deliver your son from whatever madness he is suffering from!"she spoke then turned and walked out still holding the file that she had brought for her father.