chapter 7: round 1 and round 2

"Three! Two! One! Go!"

Alex was the first one to move. He came running at Emma but she parried and moved out of the way.

"We can let him take all of the action." Lily said

"Right." Clell said as they got ready to attack

"Yuma, Bartz get ready!" Emma yelled

"Right!" they yelled as they started going to Clell and Lily

"Clell ready?" Lily asked

"Yeah yeah I'm ready." he replied

Lily pulled back her arrow ready to shoot at Bartz and Clell got ready as well.

"On my count one two three shoot!" she yelled as they both fired

"Whoa." Bartz said as he dodged out of the way but still came at them

"Clell time for you to move back some." Lily said

"Alright good luck with Bartz so I will handle Yuma." as he got up and started running

"Where do you think you're going?!" Bartz said as he started to chase after him

"No you're with me." she said as she swung the bow at him

And Yuma chased after Clell.

"Clell get ready!" Lily yelled

"What are you planning?" Alex asked

"That's a secret." Emma replied

"Bartz! Fall back it might be a trap!" Alex yelled

"Too late." Clell said as he turned and shot at him but missed because he moved to the side

"Well sorry friend." he said as he hit him with his sword (not killing him)

"Oh too bad Clell is out of the game! Time for the remaining players to regroup."

"Alex regroup!" Lily yelled as she backed up from Bartz

"Come on Bartz, Yuma." Emma said

They all got back together.

"So we got one out and we just need to work on the other two." Yuma said

"Don't get too cocky." Emma said

"Well, let's just finish this." Bartz said

"Lily, what are we going to do?" Alex asked

"We'll have to give it our all." she replied


"Ok let's get the battle back underway!"

"Ok well I will deal with two of them at the same time you can deal with the other one." Alex said

"Are you sure?" Lily asked

"Yes so wish me luck." he said

"Alright let us resume!"

Alex came at Yuma and Bartz while Lily dealt with Emma.

"Bartz let's finish this quickly." Yuma said


With the other two.

"You and me, Emma."


"Oh, it seems Alex is now out!"

"Ok, then I give no point on fighting three." she said as she put her hands up

"Alright then…. That is the end of the first round."

"Good job trying to fight them both at the same time." Lily said as Luna changed out of her form and Lily sat down next to Alex then Clell came over

"Worth a shot though."

"Good job guys." Yuma said as he came over to them

"Thanks, Yuma." Alex said

"Ok both teams need to leave so we can have a small break before the next match."

"Ok! Come on Alex get up." as Bartz held out his hand

"Thanks." as he grabbed it

Both teams left and everyone went their different ways. Arana came up to Lily.

"You did your best even though there were only two of you." Arana said

"Thanks." she replied

"Lily, come on we need to get to our seats." Clell said

"I'll stay here for your match."

"Well, that is going to be a while."

"That is ok."

15 minutes later they made it back to their seats.

"Alright, it is time for round 2."

Leah's and Carlos's teams came out and called weapon names. (Carlos's weapon name I have not added so just make one but it is a sword, make sure you refer to untitled 1)

"Everyone ready! 3 2 1 begin!"

Carlos came at all three of them while his other teammates stood there.

"What the." Lee said as he readied his sword

"Let's finish this quickly." Carlos said as he pushed him out of the way and knocked him unconscious

"Lee!" Leah yelled

"You're next." as he looked at her then Leo shot at him

"No, you're not."

"Lee come on you have to get up." Roxas said

"Roxas? Ow, that hurts." Lee said as he got up and looked at Carlos's teammates that weren't doing anything

"Lee you're ok!" Leah yelled as she was fighting Carlos

"If you want to put it like that."

"This is taking too long." as he swung his sword around at them and a big gust of air knocked them all down and all of them had injures just as fast

"Um alright that was every quick but send a medical team quickly."

"My job is finished." as he walked away and the medical team came as their weapons also changed

"Leah." Arana said as she ran

"Duncan." Denzil thought