Senior Sister, Stop Struggling

Just as Yan Tingyun was looking for someone to play the role of the robber, an electronic female voice suddenly sounded in Su Jianyu's ears.

[Congratulations, host. The god-class selection system has been successfully bound to you.]

The system has finally arrived! The web novel was telling the truth. After awakening, I gained access to powers I could only have dreamed of.

[Host, please choose from the following options.]

[Option one, volunteer to act as a robber. Reward: complete set of fighting techniques.]

"Option two, acting as a robber is too tiring. Just watch and you'll be done. Reward: proficiency in all types of pistols."

The two options given by the system caused Su Jianyu to fall into deep thought. The rewards of the two options were more or less the same. Both the skills were needed by Su Jianyu and could not be ranked in order. It all depended on which reward he preferred.

After thinking for a moment, Su Jianyu chose the full set of combat techniques. As a member of ESU, he had more special missions in the city and fewer places to use guns. Moreover, Su Jianyu was already very confident in his proficiency in firearms. Having considered all these factors, he chose combat techniques.

"Option one!"

[Understood, host!]

After a golden system light effect flashed, Su Jianyu's brain was instantly flooded with all sorts of combat techniques and methods to counter them. That feeling of information swelling within him left him very satisfied. After learning combat techniques, Su Jianyu raised his hand, gesturing at Yan Tingyun.

"I will play the role of the robber!"

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice and saw the person in the front row standing up. Su Jianyu then walked out of the group.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

The police officers watched as Su Jianyu walked to Yan Tingyun's side and clicked their tongues in sympathy.

"Let's wait and see how Officer Yan deals with Su Jianyu!"

The police officers were already preparing to watch the spectacle unfold. Seeing Su Jianyu walk to her side, Yan Tingyun could now observe Su Jianyu up close. Su Jianyu was also sizing her up. Previously, the viewing platform was too far away. Now that they were within striking distance, even Yan Tingyun's long eyelashes could be seen clearly.

"Beautiful, indeed beautiful. Her allure indeed lives up her reputation."

Being stared at by Su Jianyu until she felt a little shy, Yan Tingyun's face flushed red as she said sternly, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at you, senior sister. What else can I look at?"

This reply left Yan Tingyun speechless for a moment, unable to reply. The other police officers were even more shocked, their eyes and mouths wide open.

"Su Jianyu, this kid dares to talk to Officer Yan like that?"

"He's got guts!"

"He's got guts, but with such a rude attitude, Officer Yan will definitely have to teach him a lesson!"

"We're just waiting for Su Jianyu to make a fool of himself."

No one understood Su Jianyu. To him, the most annoying thing was being a dog. When some men saw good looking girls, they were content with lowering themselves into the dust. This was what Su Jianyu hated the most.

We were all human. I was not the only one who felt joy and sorrow. While you were good looking, it was not as if you were giving me any money. There was no reason for me to lower my head. On the outside, Su Jianyu looked calm. On the inside, Yan Tingyun tried hard to calm himself down.

"Don't fool around, this is a proper drill. Here."

Yan Tingyun spoke with a poker face, and she handed a walkie-talkie to Su Jianyu. This walkie-talkie allowed one to receive real-time updates from the Drill Command Center. Su Jianyu and the others who were acting as robbers had to listen to the Command Center's orders. After putting on the equipment, Su Jianyu made an "OK" gesture to Yan Tingyun.


Seeing that Su Jianyu was ready, Yan Tingyun said to the rookie police officers watching, "Next, I'm going to demonstrate how one can break free after being caught by the gangsters, so--"

Yan Tingyun turned to Su Jianyu and said, "Try to grapple my arms."


Su Jianyu did not stand on ceremony and directly grabbed Yan Tingyun's arms. The muscles on Yan Tingyun's cheeks twitched slightly when her arms were caught. She did not expect Su Jianyu to be so strong.

Adjusting herself slightly, Yan Tingyun told the rookie officers who were watching, "Pay attention. If you encounter a situation like mine and you get caught by criminals, you can break free like this."

As she said this, Yan Tingyun made a move to break free from Su Jianyu's grip.

"Eh?" After trying for some time, Yan Tingyun's arms were still firmly held by Su Jianyu.

Su Jianyu's arms were like a pair of pliers biting into Yan Tingyun's arms.

No matter how hard she tried to break free, it was futile. Gradually, Yan Tingyun became anxious and beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. On the other hand, Su Jianyu, who was behind her, was overjoyed. The combat technique that the system had given him worked!

At that moment , Yan Tingyun had tried to tap his palm with her fingers and at the same time, she used both her shoulders to push him, wanting to loosen his grip so that she could break free. If it were not for Su Jianyu's awakening, Yan Tingyun would have easily gotten free of him.

Now, all of her moves had been seen through by Su Jianyu and were dissected one by one. Su Jianyu used the Qin Na skill to prevent Yan Tingyun from exerting any strength. If she could not exert any strength, she would naturally be unable to break free. All Yan Tingyun could do was only be anxious.


"It doesn't make sense. Normally, when I use these moves, I can break free. Why is it not working today?"

"This Su Jianyu kid is too strong!"

Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, Yan Tingyun used her strength to try to break free. However, Yan Tingyun was soon sweating profusely. In stark contrast, Su Jianyu was standing calmly behind her.

No matter what Yan Tingyun tried and how she struggled, Su Jianyu remained unmoving. He held firmly onto Yan Tingyun's arms. Yan Tingyun was squirming while Su Jianyu had her back. The two of them vividly portrayed an erotic scene for everyone. The juniors were all shocked when they saw that their senior Yan Tingyun still hadn't broken free.

"It's been two minutes, and senior Yan is still in Su Jianyu's grasp?"

"It doesn't make sense. How could the martial arts expert senior Yan not be able to break free?"

"Senior Yan's escape method was shown in an educational film before. Why is it no longer effective?"

"Could it be that Su Jianyu is using some sort of secret martial arts?"

"What secret martial arts? I don't believe it. This is Senior Yan. If she can't break free, no one else can!"

"What's the explanation for the current situation, then?"


Listening to the murmurs of the crowd, Yan Tingyun felt embarrassed. She never thought that she would fall at the hands of a newbie like Su Jianyu today. Bashful and angry, Yan Tingyun used more strength than ever before and rammed Su Jianyu with her torso. At the same time, taking advantage of Su Jianyu's loss of balance, Yan Tingyun twisted her arms and successfully escaped.

"If she was able to escape from such a dire position, she's no mere ornamental piece."

While praising her in his heart, Su Jianyu changed up his moveset and caught Yan Tingyun again within seconds. However, it was different this time. Su Jianyu had used too much strength, so he pulled Yan Tingyun right into his arms.

"Hey, let go!"

"Snuggling" in Su Jianyu's arms, Yan Tingyun was again unable to break free. Her face instantly turned red.

"Why would a gangster let a hostage go for nothing?"

Su Jianyu's answer once again rendered Yan Tingyun speechless. The way the two of them were fighting with their lives, any unwitting spectator would have thought that Yan Tingyun had given up on resisting and had started being lovey-dovey with Su Jianyu.

"What's going on? What's going on?!"

The onlookers widened their eyes.

"Su Jianyu is hugging senior Yan!"

"No way!"

"Look, it seems like Senior Yan is enjoying herself!"

"This isn't real. This isn't real!"


Just as the two of them were locked in a stalemate, the loudspeaker at the scene announced that the drill had officially begun. Upon hearing this announcement, Yan Tingyun grew even more anxious. According to the procedures, she should have been at the next drill after demonstrating the escape technique to the new police officers.

However, she was still in Su Jiany's grip, so she couldn't do that at all. At that moment, Su Jianyu heard from his earpiece that the person who played the role of the robber was to head the next drill. Just as he was about to let go of Yan Tingyun, the system notification sounded again.

[Host, please choose from the following options.]

[Option one, give Yan Tingyun's butt a pat like how a real gangster would. Acting like a proper gangster will increase the quest's difficulty. Reward: increased stealth, increased cognitive speed, special driving skills.]

[Option two, you're sick of this and don't want to be a serious gangster. You just need to go through the motions. Reward: proficiency in rifles, increased explosive power, increased flexibility.]