Play Fighting is Real Fighting!

The police officers saw Su Jianyu driving away at high speed, and one after another, they jumped into action. At the same time, they used their radios to call the police officers at the next few interception points for help.

"Quick! The "gangster" has already started to move!"

"The "gangster" is moving. Stop him!"

"He's already on the way!"

"What? Quick, the bandit is already on the move, get ready!"

"Boss! He's already heading towards us!"


Hearing the cries of surprise from their teammates on the radio, the faces of the police officers at the first interception point twitched in exasperation. Su Jianyu's driving skills were terrifying, having gained special driving skills. Coupled with the increase in his mental agility from before, he was now driving at 120 km/h. The other police cars followed closely behind him, and the car radio rang out.

"Attention, "gangster" 'in the car, quickly stop and surrender. Otherwise, we will be forced to escalate in force."

Although the police members were a little surprised at first, they were experienced police officers after all. Naturally, they could keep up with Su Jianyu' speed. Plus, they were extremely familiar with the process.

"Surrender? Are you still asleep?! Catch up to me first!"

As Su Jianyu drove, he stuck his head out the side window and shouted at them. This behavior almost gave the other police officers fright. Yan Tingyun, who was tied up in the back seat, also turned pale. However, Su Jianyu's car was still driving in a stable manner. Only upon seeing this did everyone relax, and at the same time, they were impressed by Su Jianyu's driving skills.

"What a guy. He's actually tough."

"His driving skills are not bad, but he's a little too bold!"

"Let this kid have a taste of our power!"

After the squad leader gave the order, a few police cars began to press toward Su Jianyu's car to try to stop it by force. However, Su Jianyu's hands and feet moved in unison. The car suddenly shook violently, and it instantly fell behind by a small distance.

Then, it darted out through the gaps between the police cars. The drivers of the police cars could not react in time. In response to the sudden change in circumstances, they slammed on the brakes, and as a result, the police cars blocked themselves on the road. It became difficult for them to turn around and give chase in a short period of time.

"F*ck! What's going on?!"

"You scared me to death!"

"F*ck, you went all in?!"

Back at the police headquarters' courtyard, the group of new police officers watched Su Jianyu's performance on a big screen with their mouths agape.

"D*MN! He can still drive like this?"

"No one else can drive like this!"

"D*MN! Su Jianyu's tailspin is too cool!"

"I kind of want to learn how to drive from Su Jianyu!"

Inside the car, Yan Tingyun's mouth fell slightly open. Her beautiful eyes were filled with shock and astonishment. She felt the car shake just now, and her vision blurred. Did they forcefully charge out of the encirclement?

It should be made known at this point that the police officers in charge of the car chase in this drill were all top-notch, and those who had actual combat experience were all exceptionally outstanding. Despite all of that heat, Su Jianyu sat in the front seat of his car, his expression was serious and focused as he played the role of a fierce "bandit".

A strange look appeared in Yan Tingyun's eyes. Su Jianyu seemed to have sensed Yan Tingyun's gaze, and he didn't even turn his head as he spoke in a bandit-like tone.

"What's up, sis? Have you fallen in love with Big Bro here?"

When she heard Su Jianyu's uncouth words, Yan Tingyun rolled her eyes. Right at this moment, the car suddenly slowed down. Yan Tingyun, who didn't react in time, immediately lurched forward. The seat belt strangled her torso, causing her to feel pain.

"Hiss!! You... !"

Yan Tingyun, who had almost recovered, wanted to curse at Su Jianyu angrily. Then, he forcefully dragged her out of the car.

"Slap!" A clear sound of flesh hitting flesh rang out. Yan Tingyun's face was flushed red, and she felt a burning pain coming from her butt.

"What are you going on about? Come over here!"

Su Jianyu dragged Yan Tingyun, whose face was beet-red and was breathing rapidly, into an abandoned building. This abandoned building was the hideout of the "gangsters". Supposedly, this was where the third exercise was set to happen.

According to the original plan of the drills, the ESU Special Forces would launch an attack here to save the hostages. However, Su Jianyu broke through the first two drills by force and went directly to the third drill. When Su Jianyu walked into the building, the other ESU members who were acting as gangsters and hostages looked puzzled, especially when they saw Yan Tingyun being escorted in by Su Jianyu.

"What's going on?! Why is there a new recruit here?"

"No? Why is the beauty of the police force being escorted here?"

"Is this something from the script?"

"That's not right. Shouldn't we be the ones acting as the gangsters?"

"Weren't we supposed to be the hostages? What's going on with Officer Yan?"

Yan Tingyun turned her head and looked away with a blushing face. How could she possibly open her mouth to explain herself to them? Should she say that she was subdued by this rookie? Wouldn't that make her lose face?

Su Jianyu ignored their questions and walked straight to the drill venue. At the same time, he began to assign tasks to the other officers. He was now completely immersed in his character and had completely taken to the role of a robber. The other "robbers" were unhappy. They had no idea what had happened. The higher-ups had yet to send the order for the third exercise to begin.

"Hey! Recruit, what are you doing! Aren't you recruits supposed to be watching the show back at the headquarters?"

"And I'm in charge here, do you understand?"

The leader of the "bandits" walked over. Seeing that the "bandits" didn't act like bandits at all, Su Jianyu seized the gun from the "bandit" leader's hands before he could even react.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Su Jianyu fired a few bullets directly at the "bandits". The bullets from the practice guns splattered colorful paint on their bodies. Then, the helmets on their heads emitted waves of smoke. A red light lit up, indicating that they had died in battle.

"F*ck! What is this?"

"Has the drill already started? Why is the light on?"

"Did we get eliminated? What's going on with this drill?"

"Brother, are we hostages? Why are you shooting?"

These drills were rare moments of relaxation for the officers, and they were gone just like that. The ESU members felt a little disappointed and started to walk out.


"You guys are already dead! Don't move!"

Su Jianyu stopped them from leaving. One of the ESU members was not going to take that lying down.

"What's going on, brother? Are you addicted to play-acting?"

At this moment, the walkie-talkie on their shoulders rang. It was Bai Wenlong's voice.

"ESU members from the third exercise! All of you, take it seriously! Teach this recruit a lesson!" Hearing the words from the walkie-talkie, the police officer said with a smile,

"Brother, you heard that too. You can't blame me for this!"

After saying that, he got ready to attack Su Jianyu while the other ESU members watched from the side. However, in the next moment, he felt his world spin. He didn't feel any pain as he got knocked to the ground. Just then, Su Jianyu's voice drifted over gently.

"Dead means dead. You can't move. The exercise is a real battle!!"