Your Takeout is Here, Please Check the Receipt

As soon as Su Jianyu finished the sentence, his body stirred up a gust of wind as he roughly pushed aside the ESU team members surrounding the downed officer. In the midst of the panic, Su Jianyu was suddenly the pillar of support. Everyone did not think too much about it and just anxiously surrounded him.

Su Jianyu helped the ESU member lie down straight on his back. He took out the tactical flashlight he always carried with him and pushed open the eyelids of the unconscious officer. Then, he leaned over and listened for a heartbeat. His actions up till this point were extremely fast. In just a few breaths, he had identified the problem.

The officer fainted because of irregularities in his heart rate. The main reason was that his emotions fluctuated wildly in a short period of time. After confirming that, Su Jianyu immediately helped him up. His movements were swift and accurate. One hand patted his chest and back while the other applied pressure on his torso.

He then quickly gave the others some instructions and the police officers immediately took action. Yan Tingyun, who was at the side, also felt anxious. Her pretty face was a mask of worry. She wanted to help, but because she was tied up, she could not move.

However, she did not call for the others to untie her. After all, it was a life-and-death situation. She might not be able to help, so she did not try to distract the others. After being resuscitated by Su Jianyu, the police officer's condition soon stabilized, but he still needed medical treatment. The other officers followed Su Jianyu's instructions, made a stretcher, and everyone worked together to lift the police officer onto the makeshift gurney.

"Quick! Carry him out. We need to get him first aid from the doctors!"


The other police officers subconsciously obeyed Su Jianyu's order as if he were their superior. Two of the strongest police officers volunteered to lift the stretcher and ran toward the building's entrance. The other police officers followed closely behind.

Su Jianyu also followed by their side, making sure that the officer's condition was stable. The negotiator waiting at the gate was leaning against a pillar, holding his earphones with his right hand, and kept muttering something into it. He was discussing the next move with his superior, frowning and nodding intermittently. At that moment, he suddenly heard a series of heavy footsteps.

"What's the situation?"

"What's that newcomer kid doing now?"

As he looked toward the building in confusion, two police officers dressed like gangsters and Su Jianyu ran out the entrance. In the middle of the two police officers, there was another officer lying on a stretcher. The negotiator quickly came forward and was about to ask a question when Su Jianyu stopped him from speaking.

"This comrade suddenly suffered from arrhythmia and fainted."

"We need to send him to the hospital immediately!"

"Is there a car outside? Where is it parked?"

The negotiator's expression immediately became serious. Without a word, he immediately pressed on his earpiece and said,

"There's an emergency. Stop the drill!"

"The car is not far from the building!"

After answering Su Jianyu, he took out his cell phone to contact the hospital. Su Jianyu nodded at the two police officers. They also nodded, their eyes full of admiration and respect. Then, the two of them carried the unconscious police officer and proceeded outside. The ESU team members who were on standby approached them in confusion, not understanding what had happened.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Why is our brother lying on a stretcher?"

"Aren't we doing a drill? How did he get injured?"

The group of 'corpses' that followed them immediately began to explain what had happened. They also gave a detailed description of the scene when Su Jianyu first saved this police officer. The few ESU members on standby were stunned when they heard this. They had surprised expressions, and then looked at Su Jianyu with some level of respect.

"Not bad! Newcomer! You actually acted in line as a professional!"

"Newcomer, are you a medical student?!"

"Idiot! The newcomer must've taken the same major as us!"

"The newbie must have taught himself this knowledge."

The 'corpses' who ran out with them also had admiration on their faces.

"We also didn't expect the newbie to know professional first aid!"

"Yeah! The diagnosis was quick, and the resuscitation was performed smoothly."

"What a man. Fighting skills, traps, first aid, awesome!"

"If it wasn't for the newbie's knowledge, our brother would be in trouble. We really have to thank the newbie properly."

The negotiation team by the side also nodded their heads in admiration. They were prepared to report this matter to their superiors. This was something worthy of praise. Just as everyone was still sighing with admiration. Su Jianyu's expression suddenly bounced back to that of a bandit as he berated the negotiation experts sternly.

"What's going on? Where's the car I asked for? Don't forget the cash!"

"Why isn't it here yet?"

"Did you think I wouldn't dare to kill the hostage!?"

After saying that, he took out a practice gun and pointed it at the negotiator. During this process, Su Jianyu moved to position himself behind the negotiator because he had heard a noise from some distance away just now. It was the sound of a gun being loaded.

Since Su Jianyu was also an ESU graduate, he naturally deduced that it was a sniper rifle. When the other police officers saw this sudden change in atmosphere, they were stunned. As if waking up from a dream, they came to a realization. 'Oh, we seem to be still in the middle of a drill.'

A few officers started walking into the building without even glancing at the negotiator who had a gun pointed at him. They planned to continue lying on the ground as 'corpses'. The negotiator could not help but laugh as he thought to himself, 'Weren't we on the same team? Are you betraying us?'

Turning to Su Jianyu who looked ready to shoot at any moment, the negotiator immediately raised his hands to indicate that he was not a threat and said,

"They are on the way. They are on the way!"

"We'll need some time to get the car and cash."

"We'll make arrangements for KFC right away! Right away!"

As he was speaking, a man dressed as a delivery person arrived at the scene. He cleared his throat and shouted into the building,

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, the takeout you ordered has arrived."

"Can you please come out and pick it up?"

"We can't trespass on someone else's property."

The deliveryman appeared to be a responsible employee. The negotiator looked at Su Jianyu and pouted his lips.

"It's here, right outside."

He raised his hands as if to say, 'I'm being held at gunpoint. I can't move from this spot.' This was a ploy to lure Su Jianyu out. When he goes to get the delivery, the sniper lurking outside would shoot Su Jianyu to death!

Su Jianyu glanced at him, but he didn't buy it at all. He held the gun in his right hand firmly and said to the negotiator,

"Go and bring it in for me, or negotiations are off!"

"I'll go back and kill the hostage immediately!"

The negotiator looked at the determined Su Jianyu and felt helpless. He could only turn around and walk out. A moment later, when he led the deliveryman into the building, Su Jianyu's figure had disappeared. A voice came through the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Bring the delivery up."