The Old Couple

"I'll fight for it this year."

After saying that, Su Jianyu revealed a mischievous smile as he looked at the side of Yan Tingyun's face. When she heard this, Yan Tingyun immediately looked up at Su Jianyu in shock. She instantly felt her heart throb violently as her blood surged. Her heart felt itchy and hot. Her pretty face turned red and her eyes revealed some anticipation.

However, when she saw Su Jianyu's familiar evil smile. Yan Tingyun felt her blood surge and her chest heave violently in anger. Her other hand immediately reached for Su Jianyu's waist under the table and twisted it forcefully. At the same time, she turned her head and said to Su Jianyu's mother with a smile,

"Auntie, don't listen to Su Jianyu's nonsense.

"We have to prioritize our work first!"

Su Jianyu's mother was not disappointed when she heard Yan Tingyun's words. She only maintained an amiable smile and said.

"It's okay. Aunty won't force you."

After saying that, she pulled Yan Tingyun to the side and whispered into her ear.

"However, since you don't plan to have children for the time being, you must take safety measures.

"Otherwise, it would be bad if an accident happened. A girl must take care to protect her body."

This series of words made Yan Tingyun's entire body stiffen like steel. Many erotic images flashed through her mind. Although she had never seen those videos and pictures, the content of the text was everywhere on the Internet. Even if she were to browse through the news, she might see some obscene words in the news comments. Coupled with human instinct, Yan Tingyun could not help but imagine the scenes between her and Su Jianyu.

She almost shocked herself and subconsciously wanted to shake her head and explain. However, when she saw the concerned expression on Su Jianyu's mother's face, she could not do so. Thus, she swallowed the words that were already at the tip of her tongue. She was rather shy and embarrassed, so she could only blush and lower her head to cover up her embarrassment. Then, she said,

"Okay, thank you for your concern, Auntie."

Su Jianyu quietly turned her head to the side, thinking that she should find an opportunity to compensate policewoman Yan in the future.

Su Jianyu's mother didn't think too much about it, nor did she lower her head to look at Yan Tingyun's expression. She held Yan Tingyun's hand and chatted with her for a while more. Then, she suddenly realized that Yan Tingyun was still wearing an apron, and there was no smell of food in the room and remembered that she was only here to give Su Jianyu the soup that she had prepared. She also wanted to check if Su Jianyu had eaten well. Hence, she immediately showed a guilty and annoyed expression and said,.

"I'm sorry, Little Yun. I was too happy."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll cook a delicious meal for you!"

As she said this, she patted the back of Yan Tingyun's hand, then stood up and said,

"Sit here and wait for a while!"

After standing up, she turned to look at Su Jianyu and said seriously,

"Take a good rest with Little Yun.

"I'll go and cook!"

Her actions were very natural, and the topic changed very quickly. In an instant, Su Jianyu's mother walked into the kitchen before Yan Tingyun could react. She looked at Su Jianyu's mother's back and opened her mouth. She felt that this was not right. Thus, she turned to look at Su Jianyu and was about to speak. However, Su Jianyu spoke first.

"Let's wait for a while. My mother cooks very well."

After saying that, he stood up and walked to his bedroom. He planned to tidy up so that his mother would not notice anything strange. Yan Tingyun only had time to sigh as Su Jianyu had already walked back to his room.

She smacked her lips and thought to herself that this was not what she wanted to say. Was it really alright if she did not help? However, Su Jianyu had already walked back to his room. She had no choice but to stand up and head to the kitchen. In the end, before she could even open her mouth to mention the matter of helping, she was chased out by Su Jianyu's mother. At the same time, she began scolding Su Jianyu loudly.

"Su Jianyu! What's wrong with you? Why aren't you accompanying Little Yun?"

Su Jianyu, who was tidying up in the room, could only reply helplessly.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Yan Tingyun, who was sandwiched between the voices of the two people, could only laugh dryly.


Not long after, Su Jianyu's mother heated up the dishes. Although they were all home-cooked dishes, Su Jianyu's mother's cooking skills were indeed not bad. She was well-versed in both color, fragrance, and taste. Just looking at the dishes would make one's appetite soar. The fragrance that they emitted made Yan Tingyun's delicate nose twitch.

After eating the dishes, Yan Tingyun even felt that her exhaustion accumulated over the day being washed away. According to Su Jianyu, if she went out to open a small restaurant, there would definitely be a sea of people lining up for a few kilometers.

Su Jianyu's words made Yan Tingyun, who was chewing the vegetables with her cheeks puffed up, nod her head in agreement. Seeing Yan Tingyun's actions and seeing how much she liked to eat, Su Jianyu's mother smiled until her eyes narrowed.

"Aiya, Little Yun has such a sweet mouth!"

As she said this, she picked up a few chopsticks and placed them into Yan Tingyun's bowl.

"Come, come, Little Yun, eat more! Don't stand on ceremony."

This made Yan Tingyun, who only nodded her head, feel rather embarrassed. However, when she turned her head to look at Su Jianyu, who had a helpless expression on her face, she suddenly felt her mood improve, and she felt very happy. At this moment, she suddenly had an idea. It seemed that having such a mother-in-law would not be bad. In her heart, she immediately began to imagine their future after marriage.

Just a few thoughts flashed through her mind before Yan Tingyun hurriedly shook her head. 'How could I have such an idea! I've only known Su Jianyu for less than a day!' Yan Tingyun's heart was a mess, and all sorts of thoughts were mixed together.

Su Jianyu's mother, who had originally come over after eating, couldn't help but eat a little more during this meal. This was because she was really too happy. Yan Tingyun was both happy and very conflicted.

Su Jianyu's mood didn't fluctuate at all. She was very relaxed. After eating, Su Jianyu's mother didn't stay long. She just looked at Su Jianyu and said seriously before she left.

"You have to take good care of Xiao Yun!"

"Don't bully her! Do You Hear Me?"

Su Jianyu nodded with a bitter smile and said.

"Got it, Mom."

Yan Tingyun stood behind Su Jianyu with a red face. She raised her right hand and made a goodbye gesture. At the same time, she said with a bashful smile.

"Goodbye, Auntie."

The two of them looked very compatible. Su Jianyu's mother looked at the two of them in satisfaction. Then, she nodded and said goodbye to Su Jianyu and Yan Tingyun.

After sending Su Jianyu's mother away. Su Jianyu and Yan Tingyun cleaned the table together. Then, Su Jianyu sat at the dining table and began to think about what to do next. Yan Tingyun was in the kitchen behind Su Jianyu and began to wash the dishes naturally. This scene looked very homely. The two of them were like an old couple who had been together for many years.