The Partner of Revenge, the Terrifying Smoke Cloud Beast

"Invisibility skill? That exists? This is so magical." Chu Long said, surprised.

"That's right." Murong Xue nodded and looked intensely at Liu Yan. She continued explaining, "Liu Yan's invisibility skill is probably one of absolute invisibility. Therefore even after he attacks, or is attacked, the invisibility skill won't be damaged. It's completely dominant and is the highest level of all the invisibility skills."

At this moment, Murong Xue felt that Liu Yan was too powerful.

That attack just now was too terrifying. It actually killed the Dark Cloud Leopard instantly.

Furthermore, Liu Yan also had the extremely rare absolute invisibility skill.

The terrifying strength of a warrior, coupled with the rare invisibility skill of an assassin, was simply too much. It was abnormal.

Murong Xue thought for a moment, but she couldn't think of any fierce beast or any Awakened on the same level as Liu Yan that could even withstand his attack.