Growing Team, Trusted Teammates

The next morning, the sky had just turned bright.

In the fire attribute territory, members of the Land of Origin team had already gathered.

Members of the Land of Origin team also knew they were about to engage in the ultimate gambling duel.

The core members had kept the goal of this ultimate gambling duel a secret. At this moment, the ordinary members still did not have a clue.

At this moment, members of the Land of Origin team were gathered and waiting. They could not help but discuss in low voices.

"Who do you guys think our target is?"

"I think we should play it safe and choose the New Continent team or the Pan-ocean Community team. Not only can we get the additional rewards, but we can also recruit a team and expand our strength."

"You know our captain is a bold person, right?"

"Last night, I saw a few core members discussing for a long time before finally deciding."