Preparing to Leave

To the ordinary members of Team Origin, time was important. They had to improve their efficiency as much as possible, improve the strength of the members, and develop Origin Territory as quickly as possible.

Liu Yan nodded slightly. "Currently, only the level 2 arrow towers are still available in Origin Territory. There are also level 2 guard towers that need to be built. I'm not sure about the resources needed after that, so I can only make rough arrangements."

"We have to focus on gathering the origin stones. After all, whether it's to develop the territory or increase the strength of the team members, they will be useful in all aspects." Xu Han analyzed.

"Not bad."

Liu Yan nodded slightly. "The origin stone will be a priority. In addition, although the origin wood and wind rock are not rare, they are still basic materials. We will need a lot of them. Therefore, we will also need to arrange for them to be specially harvested."