Cooperation Began

Outside Flaming Mountain.

Liu Yan flew at high speed and soon arrived in another direction.

Team Lighthouse had gathered and was moving in an orderly manner.

Team Lighthouse had experienced such a big battle many times and was used to it. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

Liu Yan came to the surface and came before Luo Feng and the other Lighthouse Territory management personnel.

"We're ready on our side. When you start, we can start at the same time." Liu Yan said directly.

Luo Feng nodded indifferently. "We'll be done here in a while. We'll start soon. Share the mission first."

"Alright," Liu Yan nodded in response.

They had already discussed sharing the mission.

When Liu Yan returned to Origin Territory yesterday, he went to the mission hall of Origin Territory and received the S-grade mission [ Cleaning up Flaming Mountain ].