Great Battle Is Near

In the Hallucinatory Forest.

When the members of Team Lighthouse found out that the powerful and mysterious expert was Liu Yan, they were incomparably shocked and panicked.

After all, in their opinion, whether it was Liu Yan or Team Origin, they were far weaker than Team Lighthouse.

But now, he did not expect that Liu Yan had been hiding his battle prowess. Liu Yan's true strength was 18-star combat strength.

This battle had suddenly changed.

"No wonder Luo Rui's squad was destroyed. It seems that we have completely underestimated Team Origin."

"Yeah, Liu Yan's strength is so strong, and he has the help of so many Withered Tree Spirits. Team Origin has the advantage in numbers, so they do have a chance to defeat Luo Rui's squad."

"Then do we still have to continue this battle? Will it be dangerous if we continue to go deeper?"

"We haven't even fought with Team Origin, but we've already lost a lot."