Tough to Shake Off

In the Hallucinatory Forest, Team Lighthouse was advancing while maintaining their battle formation, ready to fight at any time.

After experiencing yesterday's heavy losses, Team Lighthouse placed great importance on Team Origin today, not daring to take it lightly.

At this moment, Liu Yan had quietly arrived in the sky.

Even though he didn't cause a huge commotion while heading over, he didn't use his invisibility skill either. Naturally, he couldn't hide from Luo Feng's senses.

The moment Liu Yan arrived, Luo Feng, who was on the ground, noticed him.

Luo Feng looked through the dense forest and into the sky, his eyes filled with hatred.

"You actually dare to come alone. You're really bold," Luo Feng sneered.

Even though he had suffered many losses at Liu Yan's hands yesterday, Luo Feng was still very confident in his strength. He had always thought that he was just careless yesterday.