A Sea of Hallucinatory Man-eating Flower

In an instant when Liu Yan canceled the Fire Elemental Domain, a multitude of Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers surged forth.

A profusion of purplish-red mist spread in all directions.

These were the hallucinatory mists emitted by the pollen of the Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers. Those with insufficient spirit energy who inhaled it would instantly lose consciousness, fall into a coma, or even become trapped in an eternal illusion.

As the Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers initiated this psychic attack, many others of their kind launched an assault on Liu Yan.

These Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers were usually not adept at physical attacks and mostly relied on safe psychic attacks. Yet, at this moment, they simultaneously launched both mental and physical attacks against Liu Yan.

Liu Yan's intense battle with the Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers had cultivated an immense hatred and fear within them.