Exploding a Conspiracy

Liu Yan was not surprised to see Lu Dajiang's furious appearance. After all, this involved the safety of the entire Team Origin, and even former teammates or even brothers couldn't expect mercy.

"I'm afraid they've already reached the west city wall," Liu Yan said indifferently.

When Lu Dajiang heard this, he did not say a word. Instead, he walked straight out of the wooden house and started to move.

Huang Yuan, Wei Feng, and the others promptly followed suit, with Liu Yan right behind them.

During the nighttime in the Origin Territory, there weren't many team members on alert. This was a result of Liu Yan's deliberate arrangement, as the Origin Territory already had guard towers.

These guard towers had a wide surveillance range, encompassing the entire Origin Territory and extending several dozen kilometers around. This expansive range far exceeded the typical perception capabilities of the Awakened.