Meeting an Acquaintance Again, Only an Enemy

The next morning, Lu Dajiang and a few other experts arrived.

Xu Han had also come, ready to participate in the territory battle.

After Liu Yan's arrival, he glanced at everyone and said, "Today, we're adding Xu Han. If any of you don't wish to fight and prefer to rest and recover, you may step back."

Liu Yan gave them the freedom to choose, allowing them to decide for themselves.

This approach took into account everyone's preferences. Some individuals wanted to participate in the territory battles and face off against expert opponents to sharpen their skills, with Murong Xue being a prime example.

Others weren't particularly keen on participating and preferred to focus on their training before engaging in territory battles.

When Liu Yan made this offer, Lu Dajiang, Huang Yuan, and others exchanged glances, remaining unaffected.