Chapter 8: City People, They Really Know How to Have Fun

It took about ten minutes.

Chen Yuran changed into casual clothes and came down from upstairs.

Seeing Li Jing sitting upright and seriously on the sofa, she teased him.

"Relax, I don't bite."

Li Jing grinned but continued to sit upright.

It wasn't that he was nervous or anything.

The key point was that Chen Yuran wasn't just rich, she was also a serving inspector!

Both before and after his transition, Li Jing was just an ordinary citizen.

Being around an inspector made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Seeing him sitting nervously, Chen Yuran smiled and sat down on another sofa across from him, casually placing her mobile phone on the coffee table.

"Regarding co-renting, I have two things to clarify."

As she began, Chen Yuran looked straight at him.

"First, I bought this villa recently; I did not rent it."


Li Jing was stunned.

Chen Yuran saying that she bought the villa didn't surprise him.

Land is a premium in Jianghai.

Yet even North City wasn't extremely costly.

This was a remote suburb area, therefore it couldn't be too expensive.

This villa would cost about fifteen million.

To Li Jing, this was an astronomical amount.

But for Chen Yuran, what was this amount of money?

She was supporting a Spiritual Beast Husky worth a few tens of millions!

Considering that the villa was now Chen Yuran's property, wouldn't that eliminate the idea of co-renting?

This contrasted greatly with his prior expectations.

"The second thing, the co-renting ad was not my initiative, but my father's."


Li Jing.

Honestly speaking.

From the moment he met Chen Yuran, he felt that something was off.

His interaction with Chen Yuran last night was limited to when they were taking his statement.

However, through her words and questioning methods, it wasn't hard to deduce.

Chen Yuran was a strong-willed and opinionated woman.

Being a level two inspector at such a young age, she was obviously a woman of authority.

Would such a strong woman really need someone to do her laundry, cooking, and take care of her?

Even if she did.

She surely wouldn't know how to play the game and post such a suggestive co-renting ad online.

Now learning that the co-renting ad was actually posted by Chen Yuran's father, everything became clear to Li Jing.

The prankster was not Chen Yuran.

But her father!

As for this, Li Jing was unsure of what to think.

He could only say.

City folks really know how to have fun.

Seeing Li Jing's indescribable expression, Chen Yuran didn't try to hide anything.

"To be honest, I find it rather helpless."

With a sigh, she started talking, seemingly in distress.

"When I graduated two years ago, my father was already eager for me to settle down, introducing me to numerous ambitious young men he approved of."

"I couldn't stand it anymore and bought this house, moving out of my family home."

"Surprisingly, he didn't let up, and came up with this crazy idea. He claimed he was helping me cast a wide net online, letting me pick a suitable one myself."

After hearing what Chen Yuran had to say, Li Jing couldn't help but find humor in the situation.

Chen Yuran's father was even more playful than he imagined!

Casting a wide net online, allowing his daughter to pick a suitable one herself.

Was this what normal people did?

Was he not worried that those who were attracted would have ulterior motives?

Feeling both faintly amused and exasperated, Li Jing was about to say "Sorry for the trouble, it's time to leave".

However, before he could open his mouth, Chen Yuran suddenly spoke.

"I can let you stay in the guest room downstairs and won't charge you rent."


Li Jing.

"I have a general understanding of your situation. After returning to the office last night, I also verified your previous identity."

As Chen Yuran said this, she continued.

"Being a drifter in Jianghai isn't easy, I see our meeting as fate. Taking you in isn't much of a burden to me. In my view, you're not here because you dream of clinging onto a wealthy woman, you are just taking a risk for convenience sake."

Chen Yuran's analysis made Li Jing's face flush.

He never dreamed of being with a rich woman.

However, he was accurately called out for taking a risk for something cheap.

At this moment, facing Chen Yuran, Li Jing was tempted to play the "Wealth can't corrupt me" card.

But she was saying…

He could stay here without needing to pay rent.

If he missed this opportunity, he'd lose the chance!

All because he was poor!

He coughs lightly and then asks.

"If I'm acting as your shield, will there be a lot of trouble?"

Li Jing is not a fool.

Chen Yuran willing to let him stay without rent wasn't out of goodwill, but to deal with her father.

Seeing that Li Jing got it, Chen Yuran didn't mince words.

"There should not be any trouble, my father merely hopes that I settle down soon. He has never been one to meddle too much in my affairs."

Upon finishing, she added.

"And I'm not asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I just want you to stay here to show him that there's progress, so he can honestly take down the online rental information. At most, he'll try to make contact with you. You only have to deal with it casually then, don't take it too seriously."

After listening to Chen Yuran's explanation, Li Jing felt it was somewhat unreliable.

But at the same time, he didn't see a problem with it.

He wasn't pretending to be her boyfriend, and was only there to give her anxious father a hint of progress. It should be fine.

Facing the reality that there was no such thing as a free lunch, Li Jing gritted his teeth.

"Alright, I'll do as you ask."


Chen Yuran nodded with a smile, showing a sigh of relief.

It was clear that Li Jing was not the only one who had came for the co-renting opportunity.

There had been many before him.

Chen Yuran was indeed getting tired of her "battle of wits" against her own father.

She took out a key and put it on the table, saying.

"This is the key to the villa, keep it safe. You don't have to worry about household chores, I have hired someone for that. However, you'll have to take care of your own meals as I can't cook and usually eat out. The kitchen is only for show. If it's not too much trouble for you, you are welcome to cook for yourself."

Just as she was about to say something else, her phone, which she had left on the coffee table, suddenly rang.

Checking the number displayed on the screen, Chen Yuran frowned, picked up the phone, and hit answer.

Whatever was said on the phone made her face change slightly. Saying "I got it" before hanging up and abruptly standing up.

"There's a situation in the jurisdiction and the office is short-staffed, I need to get there. If you're free, can you help me walk the dog?"

As she was speaking, she quickly left the villa.

Before Li Jing could even say a word, Chen Yuran had already summoned her flying sword and shot into the sky, turning into a beam of light.

Watching the beam of light disappear in the blink of an eye, Li Jing felt a little bit stunned.

Is this what it's like to be a serving inspector?

Swift and decisive, ready to leave at a moment's notice.

And to not worry about having a stranger in the house?

Looking at the key that Chen Yuran had left on the table, Li Jing pocketed it.

He could stay and act as her shield in exchange for free lodging in a villa room, and with access to a kitchen.

This deal was, quite profitable.

The key point was, it was free to stay, which was awesome!