Chapter 14 Special Compilation

As he walked through the large courtyard and stepped into the main hall of the Assistant Inspector Department, Li Jing immediately spotted the recruitment window.

At the moment, seven or eight people were filling out forms at the counter, and another dozen or so were waiting nearby.

Seeing this scene, Li Jing raised an eyebrow.

The recruitment of the Assistant Inspector Department was an ongoing process.

Mainly because it was hard to retain people in this job.

The threshold for becoming an assistant inspector was relatively low.

To be employed as an assistant inspector, one needed to have at least the cultivation level of the early Second Realm.

This basic requirement had barred 70% of ordinary folks who could not reach the Second Realm from even trying.

Added to this was the low wage and the many problems that came with the job.

Not many people were truly willing to stick with this work for long.

Just as Liu Sisi had said the other night, people who chose to work as assistant inspectors were either interns or people like him who wished to become inspectors but were unable to meet the requirements for the job.

The former group would leave once their intern period was over.

The latter group, seeing no prospect for advancement after working for some time as assistants, would naturally look for alternatives too.

For someone in the Second Realm, finding a job that paid more than twenty thousand was a piece of cake.

There was no need to bump your head against a wall if you couldn't see a way out.

In this world, who doesn't look to wealth?

So early in the morning, seeing those seven or eight applicants gathered before the counter, it was obvious that they were "opportunists" like him, who had come to take the exam while the Assistant Inspector Department was short on manpower.

Without giving it much thought, Li Jing approached the recruitment window.

At the recruitment window, a good looking female assistant was busy inputting the data from the application forms that the candidates had filled out into the computer.

Catching sight of Li Jing approaching, she kept her fingers dancing over her keyboard, lifting her eyes to give him a professional smile.

"Are you here to apply for the position of an assistant inspector, sir? "


Li Jing responded.

Getting the affirmative response, the female assistant paused her typing to retrieve a device similar to a dashboard.

"Could you please input a trace of your Spiritual Qi into this Qi-measuring device? I need to confirm your cultivation level."

Li Jing knew about the Qi-measuring device.

However, this was his first time seeing one since his transmigration.

This thing was the only reliable method recognized in this world to verify actual cultivation levels.

In front of the Qi-measuring device.

All tricks to confuse perceptions wouldn't work, whatever realm you were in, you would be in.

One could not fake it, nor could they hide it.

The production of this Qi-measuring device was extremely expensive, as it involved many cutting-edge technologies.

The price of one device often exceeded two million.

Due to its limited lifespan, this device would usually only appear during the examination process in industries that had strict requirements for cultivation levels. It was hard to come across one in ordinary circumstances.

After briefly examining the Qi-measuring device, Li Jing, as instructed, input a strand of his Spiritual Power into it.

His Spiritual Power was perfectly compatible with the Spiritual Qi that the people of this world cultivated, so he had no need to worry about the Qi-measuring device not responding.

Once his Spiritual Power was injected, the display screen of the Qi-measuring device lit up, revealing a piece of text.

"Early Second Realm, qualified."

Seeing the text appear, the female assistant gave a grunt of acknowledgment and asked.

"Sir, have you ever studied magic skills like Sky Control or Wind Control?"

Before Li Jing could answer, she explained.

"Due to work requirements, our Assistant Inspector Department is in urgent need of staff who have learned such magic skills. If you have learned the likes of Sky Control or Wind Control and have at least a small level of proficiency, it can be considered as bonus points for your application. Once you've passed the test, you'll be able to enter the special unit recently established within our Assistant Inspector Department."

A special unit?

Li Jing was slightly taken aback, he didn't hesitate and nodded his head.

Sky Control and Wind Control magic skills were strictly supportive.

They had just one use, to ascend to the sky.

These types of magic skills did not conflict with the Sword Controlling technique, which could also allow one to ascend to the sky.

The Sword Controlling technique, after all, relied on flying swords.

Even if one had learned the Sword Controlling technique, they would still need assistance from these types of magic skills.

Otherwise, they would probably have to give up the attack feature of the Sword Controlling technique and simply use the flying sword as a tool to get to the sky.

It was worth mentioning that.

Moving with the Sword Control was much faster compared to relying on the Sky Control and Wind Control skills.

Li Jing had not yet learned these related magic skills.

But with the status bar, he could learn as he went.

After all, he had money in his pocket now, and after killing the fish monster yesterday, he had 6 spare skill points from leveling up.

He was going to learn it sooner or later, so learning it now was fine.

If it could be a bonus point, he should definitely aim to get it.

And since the Assistant Inspector Department had set up such a bonus point, the special unit mentioned by the female assistant inspector was likely to have the same privileges as an inspector, such as being able to fly freely in the city.

Being able to freely ascend to the sky, that would be much more convenient.

He must get into this special unit!

Seeing Li Jing nod to indicate that he had learned the appropriate magic skills, the female assistant inspector took out a form and passed it over.

"Fill out the application form first, sir. There's quite a number of people here for the exam today. After a while, at ten o'clock, I'll lead all the candidates to take the written test. After that, there will be a practical test, and an examiner will check the magic skills mentioned on the form."


Li Jing took the form and went to the side to check the information required to be filled out.

The main information required on the form consisted of personal data, then the magic skills one had learned and their proficiency level.

After making sure, Li Jing took out his phone and logged straight into the Immortal Learning website, decisively selecting the most expensive Vanishing skill from the auxiliary magic skills of the Second Realm - the Sky Control and Wind Control series.

Bank balance: -243,000

Looking at the account balance of just over 4000, Li Jing's heart ached.

But money that should be spent had to be spent.

Lucky for him, he could stay for free in Chen Yuran's villa guest room, without having to worry about housing. Otherwise, it would be tough.

As the web page redirected and the Vanishing skill mantra popped up, a prompt rang out in his ear.

"New Passive Skill detected, Vanishing Skill, would you like to log in?"

"Log in."

"Successfully logged in Passive Skill, Vanishing Skill."

Host: Li Jing

Experience Points: 310/747

Level: 8

Skill Points: 6

Spiritual Power Intensity: 72

Equipment: none

Passive Skills: Momentary Space, Clothing Protection Spirit (5/5), Vanishing Skill (0/5)

Active Skills: Palm Thunder (5/5)

After checking his status bar, Li Jing chose to maximize his Vanishing Skill before filling out the form.

To keep a low profile, he filled in Palm Thunder, Clothing Protection Spirit, and Vanishing Skills as being slightly proficient.

His aim was only to pass the test and become an assistant inspector, there was no need to stand out too much.

After filling out the form, Li Jing checked the time.

It was only just after nine.

The written test wasn't until ten.

Considering that he had to wait for another hour, he took out his phone and opened the news website.

There were quite a few follow-ups on the successive demonization incidents in North City.

Under the deliberate guidance of some irresponsible self-media, the internet was very lively, with heated arguments everywhere.

Without paying any attention to the rumors on the internet, Li Jing focused on checking the follow-up reports of the mainstream media on the demonization incidents.

From yesterday afternoon till now, no further demonization incidents had occurred in North City.

The reports of the mainstream media, unlike the arbitrary writing of self-media that only aimed to attract viewers, were much more responsible.

However, in the various follow-up reports, there was a strong sense of an impending storm in North City. Behind the calm facade, there was a subtle hint of unease.

As for this, Li Jing didn't have too many thoughts.

To be prepared for danger in times of peace was what should be done.

Compared to the online public opinion, he was more concerned about the real reason behind the frequent demonization incidents.