Chapter 58 Start of the Revisit

An initial plan was formed.

Li Jing and the other two left the patrol office, each returning to their own homes.

Compared to the other three groups, their task was much easier but also challenging.

Lu Yangcheng and Yi Xiuzhu each had their own arrangements to attend to, and Li Jing was not idle either upon returning home.

Shutting himself in his room, he poured over the information of the seventeen targets, thoroughly studying their social backgrounds through the archived information stored in the patrol database.

The more he knew about his subjects, the more convenient it would be to make contact with them.

The night quietly passed.

After a night of in-depth research, the valuable information Li Jing gained was not much, but it was definitely useful.

For example, he now knew what occupations each of the seventeen targets was currently engaging in, what industries they had been involved in the past, all of which would be useful during the process of making contact.