Chapter 79 "Come Prepared

Li Jing didn't respond, making Chen Jing feel somewhat displeased as he was awkwardly carrying the conversation on his own.

But he knew

everything has to happen one step at a time.

Chen Jing was wise, having been through experiences himself.

Although it was obvious that Li Jing had no interest in his daughter at the moment, as long as the two lived under the same roof, feelings would inevitably develop over time.

He had finally found someone his daughter took a liking to and mentioned often; he couldn't risk scaring them off.

As Chen Yuran's father, Chen Jing had a clear understanding.

If Li Jing were to sincerely pursue Chen Yuran, it was likely that things would come to an end tomorrow.

This matter shouldn't be rushed.

Chen Jing subtly cleared his throat, steering the conversation away from his daughter, and said in a light tone,