Chapter 113: Star Moon Divine Eye, Gift from Elixir Master

A premium of 50%?

Li Jing paused, astonished.

The poison pancake's organs and the like could not be used as artefact refining materials.

After the inspection was completed, he had been planning to have Xu Jiayi handle them. He had already prepared himself to sell them at a discounted price on his way here.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jiayi offered such a generous deal as soon as they met.

If Xu Jiayi was willing to offer a price that was 50% higher than expected, it seemed she really was in a hurry.

Without much thought, Li Jing said,

"If you're willing to pay a premium of 50%, of course, I won't mind."

Then, he continued,

"Apart from the poison pancake, you can also help me handle the rest that can't be used as artefact refining materials at a normal price. But I'm not short of money recently, can you help me exchange the revenue for spiritual materials that can be used to feed and enhance spirit weapons?"

"Spiritual materials?"

Xu Jiayi frowned and said,